
If You Lived With The Hopi Indians

by Anne Kamma Author

(From Amazon): The breadth of issues covered makes this a rich presentation of our country's dramatic beginnings-perfect for sparking interesting classroom discussions.

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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
1st - 5th
Scholastic Paperbacks


  • 1 Introduction p 6
  • 2 Would you live in a tepee? P8
  • 3 Who would live in your house? P11
  • 4 What happened if your house got too crowded? P12
  • 5 How would you keep warm? P14
  • 6 Who would take care of you? P16
  • 7 What was a clan? Why was a clan so important? P17
  • 8 How would you get your name? P18
  • 9 When would you first go outside? P 20
  • 10 What clothes would you wear? P22
  • 11 Where would you find water? P24
  • 12 Why did the Hopi carve holes in the Mesa rock? P26
  • 13 What would you eat? P27
  • 14 How could corn grow in the desert? P 29
  • 15 Where did the Hopi plant their corn? P 30
  • 16 How would you keep the corn from spoiling? P31
  • 17 What was a sun-watcher? P32
  • 18 What happened if it didn't rain? P 34
  • 19 Would you ever have to leave your home? P35
  • 20 What did girls have to learn? P36
  • 21 What did boys have to learn? P38
  • 22 What was the Hopi way? P 40
  • 23 What was the Hopi religion? P 41
  • 24 Who were the kachinas? P42
  • 25 What was a kiva? P 45
  • 26 Would you have fun at the kiva? P 46
  • 27 What happened if you did something bad? What if you were really really bad? P 47
  • 28 Would you go to school? P49
  • 29 Did children have to work? P 50
  • 30 Were boys more important than girls? P 51
  • 31 What games would you play? P 52
  • 32 What would you do in the winter? P 55
  • 33 Hiw would you get the latest news? P 56
  • 34 Did Hopi parents ever get divorced? P58
  • 35 Would you go on an eagle gathering trip? P 60
  • 36 Why was the eagle important to the Hopi? P62
  • 37 Where did the Hopi get their salt? P 64
  • 38 Why didn't the Hopi mind living in the desert? P 65
  • 39 What happened when the Hopi and the Spanish first met? P 68
  • 40 How did the Spanish treat the Indians? P 69
  • 41 Did the Hopi ever fight the Spanish? P 71
  • 42 Did other indian tribes attack the Hopi? P 72
  • 43 Did the Americans treat the Hopi better? P 74
  • 44 Why did the Hopi want to send their children to government schools? P 75
  • 45 How were the children treated at the Indian boarding schools? P 76
  • 46 Do the Hopi live differently today? P 78

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