If You Lived With The Indians Of The Northwest Coast
by Anne Kamma Author
(From Amazon): This new addition to Scholastic's popular history series presents a child's eye view of a fascinating Native American culture.The Indians who lived along the northern Pacific coast were different from any other Native Americans. Thery were fishermen, wood carvers, and builders of totem poles; they were a hierarchical society with noblemen, commoners, and slaves in which material wealth was greatly admired and sought after.What was it like to be a child among Haida, Makah, Tlingit, or other coastal groups? What kind of house would you live in? What kind of clothes would you wear? What work would you do if you were a girl, or if you were a boy? Would you go on a Spirit Quest? These and dozens of other questions are answered in this informative and beautifully illustrated book.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-0439260770
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 48
- Pages
- 64
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 5th
- Publisher
- Scholastic Paperbacks
- Edition
- 3.2.2002
- Copyright
- 2002
- 1 Introduction, p5
- 2 Where would you live? p6
- 3 What was your house like? p 7
- 4 Who lived in your house? p 8
- 5 How would you light your house? p 10
- 6 What would you wear? p11
- 7 Would you ever get dressed up? p 13
- 8 Why didn't the coastal Indians farm? p 14
- 9 What would you eat? p 14
- 10 Would you eat vegetables and bread? p 16
- 11 What was a favorite treat? p 16
- 12 How was your food cooked? p 17
- 13 How would you keep food from spoiling? p 18
- 14 What were good manners? p 19
- 15 What did girls have to learn? p 20
- 16 What was a spriti quest? p 21
- 17 What if the spirits didn't come? p 22
- 18 What did boys have to learn? p 23
- 19 How would you make a canoe? p 24
- 20 What would you do with an old canoe? p 25
- 21 What happened if you got sick? p 26
- 22 What was a shaman? p 26
- 23 How did the coastal Indians believe the world began? p 27
- 24 Why did the Indians want the spirits' help? p 29
- 25 What was babyland? p 29
- 26 Why did some coastal Indians have flat foreheads? p 30
- 27 Were grown-ups strict? p 31
- 28 Would you go to school? p 31
- 29 Why was it important to be rich? p 32
- 30 What was the most valuable thing you could own? p 33
- 31 What were wool dogs? p 35
- 32 Why was the cedar tree important? p 36
- 33 Would you go to big parties? p 38
- 34 Why were potlatches important? p 40
- 35 Why did the coastal Indians carve totem poles? p 41
- 36 Would you get to carve a totem pole? p 43
- 37 What was the most important day of the year? p 45
- 38 How would you catch salmon? p 46
- 39 Could you fish anywhere you wanted to? p 48
- 40 Where would you go in the summer? p 48
- 41 Would you fish in the sea, too? p 50
- 42 Did any coastal Indians go whale hunting? p 52
- 43 What would you do in the winter? p 54
- 44 What happened if you became a slave? p 56
- 45 What did the first European explorers want? p 57
- 46 Did the Indians get rich from the fur trade? p 58
- 47 What happened when the settlers arrived? p 59
- 48 Indian groups of the northwest coast p 61
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