Sensational Sea Creatures (Marvels of Creation)
by Buddy Davis Author
(From Amazon): Did You Know?The skin on a walrus can be over three inches thick and the fat under it up to six inches thick, protecting this amazing creature from the 100 below temperatures of the Arctic.A giant squid's eye can measure up to nine inches across.What an incredible design these animals have! The Master Creator made such wonderful and beautiful animals for our enjoyment!Children and adults both will delight in this illustrated guide to fish and sea creatures. Filled with spectacular photographs - it is great for any home or school library.And God created every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good (Genesis 1:21).
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9780890514580
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 32
- Pages
- 80
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 4th
- Publisher
- Master Books
- Copyright
- 2006
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Barracuda
- 3 Blue Angelfish
- 4 Bottlenose Dolphin
- 5 Butterfly Fish
- 6 Clown Fish
- 7 Coelacanth
- 8 Cowfish
- 9 Electric Ray
- 10 Elephant Seal
- 11 Great White Shark
- 12 Grouper
- 13 Halibut
- 14 Jellyfish
- 15 Killer Whale
- 16 Lion Fish
- 17 Marine Iguana
- 18 Nautilus
- 19 Octopus
- 20 Parrot Fish
- 21 Porcupine Fish
- 22 Salmon
- 23 Sea Horse
- 24 Sea Otter
- 25 Sea Snake
- 26 Sea Turtle
- 27 Squid
- 28 Star Fish
- 29 Sturgeon
- 30 Triggerfish
- 31 Walrus
- 32 Yellowtailed Snapper
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