Getting Started with Latin
by William E. Linney Author
(From Amazon): What's preventing you from teaching Latin in your homeschool or learning it on your own? If you're intimidated because you've never studied Latin, bewildered by traditional Latin books that move too fast, or just don't know where to begin, then Getting Started with Latin is for you! Specifically designed to overcome these types of obstacles, Getting Started with Latin is divided into simple lessons that explain the fundamentals of Latin grammar in a way that anyone can grasp. Instead of burying you in mountains of information to memorize, new words and concepts are introduced in a gradual and systematic way. You can immediately apply what you've learned by translating the fun exercises at the end of each lesson. Quickly check your work by turning to the included answer key. To hear the words pronounced, simply download the free recordings from www.GettingStartedWithLatin.com. For additional help and instruction, the author has provided extensive audio commentary recordings that teach through every lesson and exercise in the book. With everything you need here in one book, why aren't you Getting Started with Latin?
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9780979505102
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 152
- Pages
- 224
- Suggested Grades
- 3rd - 12th
- Publisher
- Armfield Academic Press
- Edition
- Bilingual
- Copyright
- 2007
- 1 nauta
- 2 No "the" in Laitn
- 3 sum
- 4 Word Order
- 5 ego
- 6 agricola
- E1 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 7 Subjects
- 8 et
- 9 Verbs
- 10 non
- 11 es
- 12 poeta
- 13 est
- 14 More About est
- E2 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 15 Singular and Plural
- 16 nautae
- 17 sumus
- 18 estis
- 19 sunt
- 20 Memorization
- E3 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 21 Person
- 22 Direct Objects
- 23 Direct Objects (This time in Latin)
- 24 specto
- 25 nautas
- 26 stella
- 27 luna
- E4 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 28 spectas
- 29 spectat
- 30 spectamus
- 31 spectatis
- 32 spectant
- 33 Review
- E5 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 34 saepe
- 35 numero
- 36 pecunia
- 37 porto
- 38 femina
- E6 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 39 semper
- 40 tabula
- 41 aqua
- 42 puella
- 43 amo
- 44 silva
- 45 scapha
- 46 numquam
- E7 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 47 terra
- 48 sed
- 49 aro
- 50 ambulo
- 51 ad
- 52 acta
- 53 casa
- E8 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 54 Cases
- 55 navigo
- 56 insula
- 57 circum
- 58 nato
- 59 prope
- 60 patria
- 61 desidero
- E9 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 62 Ablative Case
- 63 in
- 64 Ablative Plural
- 65 schola
- 66 Even more about est and sunt.
- 67 cotidie
- 68 a, ab
- 69 cum
- 70 taberna
- 71 sine
- E10 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 72 Possessives
- 73 The Genitive Case
- 74 nautarum
- 75 familia
- 76 fabula
- 77 incola
- 78 narro
- E11 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 79 Indirect Objects
- 80 nautae
- 81 nautis
- 82 do
- 83 Review
- E12 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 84 -que ending
- 85 aedifico
- 86 servo
- 87 laboro
- 88 Infinitives
- 89 spectare
- 90 possum
- 91 Present tense forms of possum.
- E13 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 92 Conjugations
- 93 habeo / habere
- 94 quod
- 95 bestia
- 96 timeo
- 97 regina
- 98 video / videre
- 99 maneo / maere
- E14 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 100 Declensions
- 101 vir
- 102 viri
- 103 virum / viros
- 104 viri / virorum
- 105 viro / viris
- 106 murus
- 107 deleo / delere
- 108 cibus
- 109 filius
- 110 puer
- 111 ager
- 112 gladius
- E15 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 113 Gender; PAIN-ful Words
- 114 Neuter nouns of the Second Declension
- 115 oppidum
- 116 aurum, auri
- 117 argentum, argenti
- 118 caelum, caeli
- 119 donum, doni
- E16 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 120 Expressing means or instrument
- 121 Ablative of Means
- 122 scutum, scuti
- 123 pugno / pugnare
- 124 lignum, ligni
- 125 saxum, saxi
- E17 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
- 126 Adjectives
- 127 validus, valida, validum
- 128 PAIN-ful Words Revisited
- 129 laetus, laeta, laetum
- 130 malus, mala, malum
- 131 filia, filiae
- 132 magnus, magna, magnum
- 133 supero, superare
- 134 multus, multa, multum
- E18 Latin Expressions, Add Derivatives for New Vocabulary to Notebook
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