Spelling Wisdom, Book 3 [SCM]
by Sonya Shafer Editor
The series teaches today's 6,000 most frequently used words presented in the writings of great men and women of history. Also covers an additional 6,500 words, making 12,500 words total.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781616340285
- Print Status
- In Print
- Exercises
- 140
- Pages
- 183
- Suggested Grades
- 7th - 9th
- Publisher
- Simply Charlotte Mason
- Edition
- American or British Spelling Versions
- Copyright
- 2006
- 1 Little Hammers
- 2 Not To Excite Suspicion
- 3 True Happiness
- 4 The Face of a Man
- 5 Gone Fishing
- 6 Dishonesty
- 7 Contagious Laughter
- 8 Dreams
- 9 Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14
- 10 They Are Both Men
- 11 A Swarm of Bees Worth Hiving
- 12 A Great Charm
- 13 Scrooge
- 14 Make Progress
- 15 A Sprinkling of Powder
- 16 The Society of Authors
- 17 Sailing Over Angry Waters
- 18 The Best Actor
- 19 Grow in Christlikeness
- 20 Loyal Sympathy
- 21 At the Abbey
- 22 My Little Book
- 23 Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier
- 24 A Mere Unit
- 25 The Letter
- 26 Storms of Adversity
- 27 Injustice
- 28 Threatened with My Presence
- 29 Towards the House
- 30 The Man of Business
- 31 Sunshine
- 32 How Do I Love Thee?
- 33 Writing a Letter
- 34 Midnight
- 35 Holding My Breath
- 36 Weeds of Falsehood
- 37 Out of Doors
- 38 Some Brief Memory
- 39 Equidistant Pennies
- 40 The Haircut
- 41 Trapping Words
- 42 Nature
- 43 Fogg's Riches
- 44 The Order of the Houses
- 45 Toothbrush and Nailbrush
- 46 Harvest on the Island
- 47 The Bicycle Salesman
- 48 The Hat
- 49 Deduce
- 50 Changes
- 51 Good Company
- 52 To a Skylark
- 53 A New Coat for Father
- 54 Out of a Cave
- 55 Admire the Scenery
- 56 The Skipping-Rope
- 57 Hot on the Trail
- 58 Looking for Boats
- 59 Thunderstorm
- 60 A Suit of Clothes
- 61 August
- 62 Statue of a Frenchman
- 63 Composed Upon Westminster Bridge
- 64 A Good Pastry Cook
- 65 Paramount Importance
- 66 Progress and Guessing
- 67 God Employs Little Things
- 68 Agree in Number
- 69 Thanks for the Harvest
- 70 The Ocean Course
- 71 Journey Mercies
- 72 Courteous to Aunts
- 73 Breathes There the Man
- 74 Why Is the World So Beautiful if Not for Us?
- 75 Love of Money
- 76 First Thing in the Morning
- 77 The Name on the Shield
- 78 Day of the Week
- 79 The Grindstone
- 80 Horse Owners
- 81 What the Sun Saw
- 82 Rip Van Winkle's Dog
- 83 Daffodils
- 84 The Building
- 85 Forego and Give Up
- 86 Distribute One Million
- 87 Psalm 32
- 88 Mud Spatters
- 89 Provisions
- 90 The Historian's Responsibility
- 91 Robin Quarrels
- 92 Robin Nests
- 93 Pliable Materials
- 94 Peace
- 95 Influence for Good
- 96 First Night Stranded
- 97 A Season of Prayer
- 98 Barrels of Honey
- 99 The Footprint
- 100 Poor Richard's Almanac
- 101 Condolences
- 102 Stanley's Courage
- 103 Salvaging Iron
- 104 Home-Thoughts from Abroad
- 105 The Bell of Justice
- 106 Nature Study
- 107 The Most Important Day
- 108 Two Houses
- 109 Plans for Colin
- 110 Mercy on a Mouse
- 111 Holman Hunt
- 112 The Title Deed
- 113 The Rich Treasure
- 114 Common Sense
- 115 The Lion's Voice
- 116 The Babies' Names
- 117 A Night in Prison
- 118 Dependent on God
- 119 The Angel in the Stone
- 120 Learning Outdoors
- 121 Native Rabbit
- 122 Athletic Sports
- 123 An Old Woman of the Roads
- 124 Winter Near the Wild Wood
- 125 Swimming for Father
- 126 After Ten Years
- 127 The Officer Helps
- 128 God Does All Things Well
- 129 The Banquet
- 130 Flamingoes
- 131 Benjamin Franklin and Electricity
- 132 Robert Bruce and the Spider
- 133 Working for Father
- 134 Dorothy Prepares to Travel
- 135 Straight Paths
- 136 The Gettysburg Address
- 137 Escape
- 138 First Composition
- 139 How the Leaves Came Down
- 140 1 Corinthians 13
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