Mathematical Reasoning Middle School Supplement (Revised)
by Darin Beigie Author
(From Amazon): NEW AND IMPROVED, with 160 additional pages!!! Mathematical ReasoningTM Middle School Supplement reinforces grades 7-9 math concepts and skills by asking students to apply these skills and concepts to non-routine problems. Applying mathematical knowledge to new problems is the ultimate test of concept mastery and mathematical reasoning. This user-friendly, engaging book is made up of 100 theme-based collections of problems, conveniently grouped in self-contained, double-sided activity sheets that provide space for student work. Each collection contains relevant math facts at the end of the worksheet in case students need hints to solve the problems. Calculators are allowed on activity sets that have a calculator icon at the top of the front side of the set. Each activity set is accompanied by a single-sided answer sheet containing strategy tips and detailed solutions. Teachers and parents will appreciate the easy-to-understand, comprehensive solutions. This book is a wonderful enrichment tool, but also can be used to assess how well students have learned middle school math concepts.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781601446442
- Print Status
- In Print
- Sections
- 100
- Pages
- 320
- Suggested Grades
- 7th - 9th
- Publisher
- The Critical Thinking Co.
- Edition
- 2nd
- Copyright
- 2014
- 1 Made in the Shade
- 2 What's my Angle
- 3 Area Breakdown
- 4 Time Travel
- 5 Shortest Distance
- 6 On a Roll
- 7 Share it Equally
- 8 Ahead of the Curve
- 9 Integer Magic
- 10 Math of Duty: Special Ops
- 11 Number Puzzles
- 12 Number Ninja
- 13 Make it Right
- 14 Math of Duty: Secret Ops
- 15 Cipher Surfer
- 16 Keep it in Proportion
- 17 Clock Angles
- 18 Find the Better Deal
- 19 Leaning Ladder
- 20 Average Speed
- 21 Conversion Calculator
- 22 Proportion Pushups
- 23 Ratio Wrestler
- 24 What's My Rate
- 25 Girls and Boys
- 26 Fair Game
- 27 Spin it to Win it
- 28 Probability Pushups
- 29 Roll it to Win it
- 30 Counting Outcomes
- 31 How Likely is That?
- 32 Geometric Probability
- 33 Random Selections
- 34 The Defect Effect
- 35 Fraction Explorer
- 36 No Fraction Left Behind
- 37 Fraction Finder
- 38 Fraction Solver
- 39 Fractions in Action
- 40 Fractions in Geometery
- 41 Unit Fraction Frenzy
- 42 Square Carpets
- 43 Squares Make the Pattern
- 44 Linear Patterns
- 45 Sequential Logic
- 46 Function Freakout
- 47 Product Patterns
- 48 Geometric Patterns
- 49 Classic Patterns
- 50 Exponential Patters
- 51 Grid Master
- 52 Upsize, Downsize
- 53 Percent Ponderables
- 54 Dollars and Percents
- 55 Percent Covering
- 56 Bargain Hunter
- 57 Percent Problem Solver
- 58 Fat or Fiction
- 59 Mixture Master
- 60 Find the Speed
- 61 Data Point Determintor
- 62 Find the Maximum
- 63 Integrate My Rate
- 64 Interpreting Linear Graphs
- 65 Curve Maker
- 66 Coordinate Plane Geometry
- 67 Find it on the Map
- 68 Statistical Sleuth
- 69 Mean and Median
- 70 Flip it and Throw it
- 71 Statistics Solver
- 72 Coordinate Plane Statistics
- 73 Statistical Puzzles
- 74 Dimension Detective
- 75 What's in a number
- 76 Let me count the ways
- 77 sum kind of pattern
- 78 Number Inspector
- 79 Number Theory
- 80 I am a number
- 81 Base Conversion
- 82 3D Investigator
- 83 Will it Spill?
- 84 Holes and Cuts
- 85 Fish Tank
- 86 Ice the Cake
- 87 Nothing but nets
- 88 Biggest Fit
- 89 Seeing it from all sides
- 90 Two Circle Venn Diagrams
- 91 Three Circle Venn Diagrams
- 92 Piece it Together
- 93 Word Problems I
- 94 Word Problmes II
- 95 Symmetry Searcher
- 96 Classic Puzzles
- 97 Cost Anaylsis
- 98 Diagram Detective
- 99 Triangulation
- 100 Balance of Logic
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