
The Lamplighter

by Maria S. Cummins Author

(From Amazon): Poor little Gertie is out in the snow with a high fever and no one to care for her until the old lamplighter comes by to light the street lamps. See how God fills the life of this dejected and neglected little girl with hope as she becomes a virtuous young woman. The Lamplighter is particularly a great book for young adults who are shaping their standards in relationships prior to marriage. This book has left such an impression on my life that I decided to name our ministry Lamplighter Publishing!


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In Print
Lamplighter Rare collection se


  • 1 Light in Darkness
  • 2 Comfort and Affliction
  • 3 The Law of Kindness
  • 4 First Steps to Improvement
  • 5 Where is Heaven?
  • 6 The First Prayer
  • 7 Treasured Wrongs
  • 8 A New Friend
  • 9 Mental Darkness
  • 10 An Earthly Messenger of Peace
  • 11 Progress of Knowledge
  • 12 A New Prospect
  • 13 The Ministering Angel
  • 14 A New Home
  • 15 Who Are Happy?
  • 16 The Ruling Passion Controlled
  • 17 The Nurse
  • 18 Changes
  • 19 Frustrated Plans
  • 20 Selfishness
  • 21 A Friend in Affliction
  • 22 Cares Multiplied
  • 23 Death
  • 24 More Changes
  • 25 Jealousy
  • 26 Mr. Bruce is Disappointed
  • 27 Ill-Will
  • 28 A New Acquaintance
  • 29 A Morning Walk
  • 30 A Surprise
  • 31 A Sore Heart
  • 32 A Tale of Sorrow
  • 33 The Hour of Peril
  • 34 Suspense
  • 35 Ties - Not of Earth
  • 36 The Long-Looked-For Returned
  • 37 The Father's Story
  • 38 The Reunion
  • 39 The Recompense
  • 40 Anchors for World-Tried Souls

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