
Math Mammoth 3-A

by Maria Miler Author


Additional Details

Resource Type
Work Book, Math
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
4th - 5th
Maria Miller
Copyright 2016


  • 1 Introduction ...................................................................... 7
  • 1 Addition Review............................................................. 10
  • 1 Adding in Columns .......................................................... 13
  • 1 Subtraction Review....................................................... 14
  • 1 Subtract in Columns ....................................................... 17
  • 1 Patterns and Mental Maths ............................................ 19
  • 1 Patterns in Pascal's Triangle .......................................... 21
  • 1 Bar Models in Addition and Subtraction ...................... 23
  • 1 Order of Operations ........................................................ 27
  • 1 Making Bar Graphs ........................................................ 29
  • 1 Line Graphs ..................................................................... 31
  • 1 Rounding .......................................................................... 34
  • 1 Estimating ........................................................................ 37
  • 1 Money and Discounts ...................................................... 39
  • 1 Calculate and Estimate Money Amounts ..................... 42
  • 1 Review, Chapter 1 ......................................................... 45
  • 2 Introduction ..................................................................... 47
  • 2 Thousands ........................................................................ 49
  • 2 At the Edge of Whole Thousands .................................. 52
  • 2 More Thousands ............................................................. 54
  • 2 Practising with Thousands ............................................ 56
  • 2 Place Value with Thousands .......................................... 58
  • 2 Comparing with Thousands .......................................... 60
  • 2 Adding and Subtracting Big Numbers ......................... 63
  • 2 Rounding and Estimating Large Numbers .................. 67
  • 2 Multiples of 10, 100 and 1 000 ........................................ 71
  • 2 Mixed Review, Chapters 1 - 2 ....................................... 74
  • 2 Review, Chapter 2 .......................................................... 76
  • 3 Introduction ..................................................................... 78
  • 3 Understanding Multiplication ........................................ 82
  • 3 Multiplication Tables Review...................................... 85
  • 3 Scales Problems ............................................................. 88
  • 3 Multiplying by Whole Tens and Hundreds ................. 92
  • 3 Multiply in Parts 1 ......................................................... 96
  • 3 Multiply in Parts 2 ......................................................... 99
  • 3 More Practice ................................................................. 103
  • 3 Estimating in Multiplication ......................................... 105
  • 3 Multiply in Columns - the Easy Way ........................... 107
  • 3 Multiply in Columns - the Easy Way, Part 2 ............... 110
  • 3 Multiply in Columns - the Standard Way .................... 113
  • 3 Multiplying in Colu mns, Practice ................................. 117
  • 3 Order of Operations Again ............................................ 120
  • 3 Money and Change ......................................................... 123
  • 3 So Many of the Same Thing ........................................... 126
  • 3 Multiplying Two-Digit Nu mbers in Parts .................... 129
  • 3 Multiply by Whole Tens in Columns ............................ 134
  • 3 Multiplying in Parts: Another Way .............................. 136
  • 3 The Standard Multiplication Algorithm with a Two-Digit Multiplier .......................................... 138
  • 3 Mixed Review, Chapters 1 - 3 ...................................... 142
  • 3 Review, Chapter 3 ......................................................... 144
  • 4 Introduction .................................................................... 147
  • 4 Time Units ....................................................................... 150
  • 4 The 24-Hour Clock ......................................................... 153
  • 4 Elapsed Time or How Much Time Passes .................... 155
  • 4 Measuring Temperature: Celsius ................................. 160
  • 4 Temperature Line Graphs ............................................ 164
  • 4 Measuring Length .......................................................... 166
  • 4 More Measuring in Centimetres ................................... 168
  • 4 Metric Units For Measuring Length ............................ 170
  • 4 Metric Units of Weight .................................................. 173
  • 4 Metric Units of Volume .................................................. 176
  • 4 Mixed Review, Chapters 1 - 4 ...................................... 179
  • 4 Review, Chapter 4 ......................................................... 181

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