Classic French Tales, Volume 1
by Camille Chevalier-Karfis Author
These audio books are about building steps to help you develop your French. Because you already know the story, it will be easier to understand my fun and lively version of the tale, which will in turn help you master the more challenging original 18th century version. Not just for children, these are perfect for people looking for a different type of study material, rich in vocabulary, expressions and verb tenses.
Additional Details
- Print Status
- In Print
- Stories
- 4
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 12th
- Publisher
- French Today
- http://www.frenchtoday.com/
- 1 Le Petit Chaperon Rouge
- 2 Le Chat Botté
- 3 Les Fées
- 4 Peau d’Âne
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