Exploring Creation With Physical Science
by Jay L. Wile Author
(From Amazon): Exploring Creation with Physical Science provides a detailed introduction to the physical environment and the basic laws that make it work. The fairly broad scope of this book provides students with a solid understanding of the earth s atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Students will also cover weather, motion, Newton's laws, gravity, the solar system, atomic structure, radiation, nuclear reactions, stars, and galaxies. The second edition of the text includes more color and higher-quality illustrations, experiments that are more engaging and easier to perform, and access to additional online resources for more advanced learners. The high-quality hardcover student text contains all student material, study questions, laboratory exercises, and module study guides with color photos and illustrations. This product is the TEXTBOOK ONLY of a two-volume set. A solutions and test manual is also needed in companion with the textbook.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 1-932012-00-1
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 445
- Suggested Grades
- 8th - 8th
- Publisher
- Apologia
- Edition
- Student
- Copyright
- 2000
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