The Story of Civilization: VOLUME I - The Ancient World
by Phillip Campbell Author
(From Amazon): Children should not just read about history, they should live it. In The Story of Civilization, the ancient stories that have shaped humanity come alive like never before. Author Phillip Campbell uses his historical expertise and story-telling ability together in tandem to present the content in a fresh and thrilling way. The Story of Civilization reflects a new emphasis in presenting the history of the world as a thrilling and compelling narrative. Within each chapter, children will encounter short stories that place them directly in the shoes of historical figures, both famous and ordinary, as they live through legendary battles and invasions, philosophical debates, the construction of architectural wonders, the discovery of new inventions and sciences, and the exploration of the world. Volume I, The Ancient World, begins the journey, covering the time periods from the dawn of history and the early nomads, to the conversion of Emperor Constantine. Children will learn what life was like in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, Greece, Rome, and more, as well as learn the Old Testament stories of the Israelites and the coming of Christ. The strength of the content lies not only in the storybook delivery of it, but also in the way it presents history through the faithful prism of the Church. Have you always wanted your children to learn about world history from a Catholic perspective? Here, you’ll have the trusted resource you’ve always wanted. Did You Know… · That young people in the Minoan culture participated in bull leaping games? · That King Xerxes of Persia once ordered his soldiers to whip the waves when the ocean became rocky beneath their boats? · That the Greek inventor, Archimedes, built a giant heat ray to protect his hometown, catching enemy ships on fire through the use of sunbeams? · That the powerful Carthaginian general, Hannibal, used elephants to march his army over the Alps on his way to attack Rome? · That Julius Caesar of Rome fell in love with the famous Cleopatra of Egypt? Embark on the journey now to learn of all these wonders and more!
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 1505105668
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapter Divisions
- 167
- Pages
- 336
- Suggested Grades
- 3rd - 8th
- Publisher
- TAN Books
- Copyright
- 2016
Chapter Divisions
- 1.1 The Dawn of Civilization (The Nomads)
- 1.2 The Dawn of Civilization (Life by the River)
- 1.3 The Dawn of Civilization (Shukallituda the Gardener)
- 1.4 The Dawn of Civilization (The Spread of Cities)
- 1.5 The Dawn of Civilization (The Written Word)
- 2.1 The Gift of the Nile (King Narmer's Victory)
- 2.2 The Gift of the Nile (Egypt and the Nile)
- 2.3 The Gift of the Nile (Two Kingdoms)
- 2.4 The Gift of the Nile (A Common Egyptian Day)
- 3.1 Egypt in the Pyramid Age (Pharaohs and Dynasties)
- 3.2 Egypt in the Pyramid Age (The First Pyramids)
- 3.3 Egypt in the Pyramid Age (The Afterlife)
- 3.4 Egypt in the Pyramid Age (The Beginning of the End)
- 4.1 The Land Between Two Rivers (A Merchant and His Son)
- 4.2 The Land Between Two Rivers (Mesopotamia)
- 4.3 The Land Between Two Rivers (The Sumerians)
- 4.4 The Land Between Two Rivers (The Epic of Gilgamesh)
- 4.5 The Land Between Two Rivers (Foreign Invaders)
- 4.6 The Land Between Two Rivers (Hammurabi and His Laws)
- 5.1 Egyptian Empires (Senusret)
- 5.2 Egyptian Empires (The Hyksos)
- 5.3 Egyptian Empires (The New Kingdom)
- 5.4 Egyptian Empires (Rameses II)
- 6.1 Peoples of the Levant (The Levant)
- 6.2 Peoples of the Levant (The Hittites)
- 6.3 Peoples of the Levant (The Canaanites)
- 6.4 Peoples of the Levant (The Phoenicians)
- 7.1 The God of Israel (The Foundations of Religion)
- 7.2 The God of Israel (Abraham)
- 7.3 The God of Israel (Abraham's Descendants)
- 7.4 The God of Israel (Moses)
- 7.5 The God of Israel (God's Commandments)
- 8.1 The Kingdom of David (Joshua's Conquest)
- 8.2 The Kingdom of David (From Saul to David)
- 8.3 The Kingdom of David (Solomon and His Temple)
- 8.4 The Kingdom of David (A Time of Strife and Division)
- 8.5 The Kingdom of David (The Prophets)
- 9.1 The Bearded Kings of the North (The Assyrians)
- 9.2 The Bearded Kings of the North (Tiglath-Pileser)
- 9.3 The Bearded Kings of the North (Nineveh)
- 9.4 The Bearded Kings of the North (The Fall of the Assyrians)
- 10.1 The Splendor of Babylon (Nabopolassar)
- 10.2 The Splendor of Babylon (King Nebuchadnezzar)
- 10.3 The Splendor of Babylon (To Please a Queen)
- 10.4 The Splendor of Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar's Mighty Babylon)
- 10.5 The Splendor of Babylon (The Fall of Babylon)
- 11.1 The Rise of Persia (Kingdoms Conquering Kingdoms)
- 11.2 The Rise of Persia (The Persians)
- 11.3 The Rise of Persia (King Cyrus)
- 11.4 The Rise of Persia (The Vanishing Army)
- 11.5 The Rise of Persia (King Darius I)
- 11.6 The Rise of Persia (Persian Greatness)
- 12.1 Peoples of the Isles (Distant Lands)
- 12.2 Peoples of the Isles (Crete)
- 12.3 Peoples of the Isles (The Minoans)
- 12.4 Peoples of the Isles (The Mycenaeans)
- 13.1 The Founding of Greece (Flying North)
- 13.2 The Founding of Greece (Greece)
- 13.3 The Founding of Greece (The Mycenaeans and the Dorians)
- 13.4 The Founding of Greece (A Time of Darkness and Silence)
- 13.5 The Founding of Greece (Poets and Epics)
- 14.1 Greek Mythology (The Protector of Athens)
- 14.2 Greek Mythology (The Greek Myths)
- 14.3 Greek Mythology (Gods and Goddesses)
- 14.4 Greek Mythology (Theseus vs. the Minotaur)
- 14.5 Greek Mythology (Architecture and Arts)
- 14.6 Greek Mythology (The Gods of Greece vs. the God of Israel)
- 15.1 The Cradle of Democracy (A New Way to Govern)
- 15.2 The Cradle of Democracy (Laws for the People)
- 15.3 The Cradle of Democracy (Solon the Wise)
- 15.4 The Cradle of Democracy (Mighty Sparta)
- 15.5 The Cradle of Democracy (Peisistratus the Tyrant)
- 15.6 The Cradle of Democracy (An Impending Conflict)
- 16.1 The Persian Wars (King Xerxes)
- 16.2 The Persian Wars (The Greeks vs. the Persians)
- 17.1 Lovers of Wisdom (Greek Fables)
- 17.2 Lovers of Wisdom (Great Debates)
- 17.3 Lovers of Wisdom (Socrates)
- 17.4 Lovers of Wisdom (Plato)
- 17.5 Lovers of Wisdom (Aristotle)
- 18.1 Greek Against Greek (Conflict and Strife)
- 18.2 Greek Against Greek (The Delian League)
- 18.3 Greek Against Greek (Pericles)
- 18.4 Greek Against Greek (The Peloponnesian War)
- 19.1 Alexander the Great (King Philip and the Macedonians)
- 19.2 Alexander the Great (Alexander's Youth)
- 19.3 Alexander the Great (Alexander vs. the Persians)
- 19.4 Alexander the Great (Alexander's Shortcomings)
- 19.5 Alexander the Great (The Last Days of Alexander)
- 19.6 Alexander the Great (Alexander's Legacy)
- 20.1 The Hellenistic Age (After Alexander)
- 20.2 The Hellenistic Age (Ptolemy)
- 20.3 The Hellenistic Age (Ptolemy Philadelphus and His Library)
- 20.4 The Hellenistic Age (The Story of the Septuagint)
- 20.5 The Hellenistic Age (More Strife and Warfare)
- 21.1 Greek Science (The Curiosity of the Greeks)
- 21.2 Greek Science (Euclid)
- 21.3 Greek Science (Eratosthenes)
- 21.4 Greek Science (Archimedes the Inventor)
- 21.5 Greek Science (The Rise of the Romans)
- 22.1 The Etruscans (A Sea Voyage)
- 22.2 The Etruscans (The Etruscans)
- 22.3 The Etruscans (Etruscan Funerals)
- 22.4 The Etruscans (Turning to Rome)
- 23.1 The City of Seven Hills (The Origins of Rome)
- 23.2 The City of Seven Hills (In Search of Wives)
- 23.3 The City of Seven Hills (The Tarquins)
- 23.4 The City of Seven Hills (A New Way to Govern)
- 23.5 The City of Seven Hills (Patricians and Plebeians)
- 23.6 The City of Seven Hills (Military Conflicts)
- 24.1 The Punic Wars (Carthage)
- 24.2 The Punic Wars (Rome vs. Carthage)
- 24.3 The Punic Wars (Hannibal)
- 24.4 The Punic Wars (Rome Fights Back)
- 24.5 The Punic Wars (The End of Hannibal)
- 24.6 The Punic Wars (Rome's Revenge)
- 25.1 Greece and Rome Collide (Rome's Legions)
- 25.2 Greece and Rome Collide (Rome Conquers Greece)
- 25.3 Greece and Rome Collide (Antiochus III)
- 25.4 Greece and Rome Collide (An Old Man vs. an Army)
- 25.5 Greece and Rome Collide (The Maccabees)
- 26.1 Marius and Sulla (The Harmful Effects of War)
- 26.2 Marius and Sulla (Tiberius Gracchus and the Land Bill)
- 26.3 Marius and Sulla (Gaius Marius)
- 26.4 Marius and Sulla (Rome Marches on Rome)
- 26.5 Marius and Sulla (Sulla as Dictator)
- 26.6 Marius and Sulla (The Dawn of Rome's Demise)
- 27.1 The Rise and Fall of Julius Caesar (Pompey the Great)
- 27.2 The Rise and Fall of Julius Caesar (Julius Caesar)
- 27.3 The Rise and Fall of Julius Caesar (Caesar's Murder)
- 27.4 The Rise and Fall of Julius Caesar (After Caesar)
- 27.5 The Rise and Fall of Julius Caesar (Augustus Caesar)
- 28.1 The Coming of Christ (The World Thus Far)
- 28.2 The Coming of Christ (The Incarnation)
- 28.3 The Coming of Christ (The Messiah)
- 28.4 The Coming of Christ (Jesus Begins His Ministry)
- 28.5 The Coming of Christ (The Crucifixion of Jesus)
- 29.1 Fishers of Men (The Resurrection)
- 29.2 Fishers of Men (Pentecost)
- 29.3 Fishers of Men (The Church)
- 29.4 Fishers of Men (St. Paul)
- 29.5 Fishers of Men (Calling All Peoples)
- 29.6 Fishers of Men (The Early Church and Her Martyrs)
- 30.1 Life Under the Julio-Claudians (The First Roman Emperor)
- 30.2 Life Under the Julio-Claudians (The Julio-Claudians)
- 30.3 Life Under the Julio-Claudians (Nero)
- 30.4 Life Under the Julio-Claudians (A Day in the Life)
- 31.1 Five "Good" Emperors (Vespasian and His Sons)
- 31.2 Five "Good" Emperors (The Five Good Emperors)
- 31.3 Five "Good" Emperors (Christian Persecution)
- 32.1 Collapse (The Horrid Fate of Roman Emperors)
- 32.2 Collapse (Barbarian Invasions)
- 32.3 Collapse (More Persecution and Turmoil)
- 32.4 Collapse (Aurelian)
- 33.1 The Growth of the Catholic Church (The Old and the New)
- 33.2 The Growth of the Catholic Church (The First Christian Apologists)
- 33.3 The Growth of the Catholic Church (Christian Theology)
- 33.4 The Growth of the Catholic Church (Heresies)
- 33.5 The Growth of the Catholic Church (St. Cyprian)
- 33.6 The Growth of the Catholic Church (The Church Spreads)
- 34.1 The Empire Divided (Diocletian)
- 34.2 The Empire Divided (The Great Persecution)
- 34.3 The Empire Divided (After Diocletian)
- 35.1 In This Sign, Conquer (Constantine)
- 35.2 In This Sign, Conquer (The Dream That Changed the World)
- 35.3 In This Sign, Conquer (The Dawn of a New Day)
- 35.4 In This Sign, Conquer (The Journey Continues)
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