Spectrum Language Arts, Grade 2
(From Amazon): Spectrum Language Arts for Grade 2 includes focused practice for language arts mastery such as parts of speech and sentences, grammar and usage, capitalization and punctuation, and a writer's guide. Spectrum(R) Reading workbooks contain focused practice for reading comprehension, including letters and sounds, word recognition, integration of knowledge and ideas, key ideas and details, main idea, story structure, theme, and summarization. Each lesson features an illustrated story followed by exercise in comprehension. A variety of fiction and nonfiction reading passages combined with standards-based learning make these workbooks an essential resource for school success. A complete answer key is included. Spectrum, the best-selling workbook series, is proud to provide quality, educational materials that support your students’ learning achievement and success.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-1-4838-1208-3
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 57
- Pages
- 176
- Publisher
- Spectrum
- Edition
- Csm Wkb
- Copyright
- 2014
- 1 Common and collective nouns
- 2 Proper nouns
- 3 pronouns
- 4 verbs
- 5 adjectives
- 6 adverbs
- 7 statements
- 8 questions
- 9 exclamations
- 10 commands
- 11 combining sentences(nouns)
- 12 combining sentences (verbs)
- 13 combining sentences ( adjectives)
- 14 capitalizing the first word in a sentence
- 15 Capitalizing names
- 16 Capitalizing titles
- 17 Capitalizing place names
- 18 Capitalizing days, months and holidays
- 19 periods
- 20 question marks
- 21 exclamation points
- 22 periods and abbreviations
- 23 commas with dates, cities and states
- 24 commas in series and in letters
- 25 commas in compound sentences
- 26 apostrophes in possessives
- 27 quotation marks in dialogue
- 28 Titles of books and movies
- 29 Subject Verb agreement adding S
- 30 Subject verb agreement adding es
- 31 Irregular verbs : Am Is Are
- 32 Irregular verbs: Has, Have
- 33 Forming the past tense by adding ed
- 34 Pst tense verbs was, were
- 35 Past tense verbs Had
- 36 Past-tense verbs Went
- 37 Past tense verbs Saw
- 38 Contractions with Not
- 39 Contractions with AM, Is, Are
- 40 Contractions with Will
- 41 Plural nouns with S
- 42 Plural nouns with es
- 43 irregular plural nouns
- 44 Pronouns I and Me
- 45 Comparative adjectives
- 46 Synonyms
- 47 antonyms
- 48 Homophones
- 49 multiple meaning words
- 50 writers guide: planning
- 51 writers guide: writing
- 52 Writers guide: revising
- 53 writers guide: proofreading
- 54 writer's guide: publishing
- 55 writer's guide: writing a paragraph
- 56 writer's guide: writing a friendly letter
- 57 writer's guide: writing to convince
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