
Backyard (One Small Square)

by Donald M. Silver Author

(From Amazon): Proves to children that a small square of earth can yield up an endlessly complex and fascinating interaction of plants and animals with their environment, and shows them how to study the area as a scientist would.


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W H Freeman & Co


  • 1 Introduction - discovering your backyard ecosystem p3-5
  • 2 Activity: dig up and explore a square foot of your backyard p6-7
  • 3 The Food Makers - leaves, pollen, bees, seeds p8-9
  • 4 Backyard Notebook: record observations p9
  • 5 Guests for Dinner - observing animals and birds p10-11
  • 6 Backyard Notebook: observe, draw and record birds and animals p11
  • 7 Life Cyclers - eggs, cocoons p12-13
  • 8 Out in the Cold - observing your backyard in winter p14-15
  • 9 Making a Living - how animals store food, what they eat p 16-19
  • 10 Backyard Notebook: observe and record food, tracks and droppings of animals p17
  • 11 Backyard Notebook: observe and draw leaves eaten by animals p19
  • 12 Definitely Not a Golf Ball - mushrooms in your back yard p20-21
  • 13 Activity: Leaf Rubbing p21
  • 14 Activity: Growing Mold p21
  • 15 Night Life - animals and insects at night p22-23
  • 16 Litter Bugs - the decay of leaves, feeding the soil p24-27
  • 17 Activity: catch a track p25
  • 18 Watch out for Traps - cicada beetles, holes in the ground p28-29
  • 19 Earthworms p30-31
  • 20 Moles p32-33
  • 21 Activity: catch some bugs in a jar and observe p33
  • 22 Backyard Notebook: draw and observe earthworms p33
  • 23 More than just dirt - roots and soil p34-35
  • 24 Activity: dig up soil and observe texture, color, life
  • 25 Activity: put soil in a jar with water, shake, watch sediments form p35
  • 26 Nature in Action p36-37
  • 27 Activity: create a mini backyard in a box with real soil and plants p36
  • 28 Mammals and Birds p38-39
  • 29 Insects, Arthropods and other Invertebrates p40-41
  • 30 Plants, Protists, Monera, Fungi, Rocks p42-43

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