How to be a Pirate (book 2 in How to Train a Dragon)
by Cressida cowell Author
How to train a dragon book 2 in series. (How to be a pirate)
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- book
- 9780316085281
- Print Status
- In Print
- 1.s
- 19
- Suggested Grades
- 2nd - 5th
- 1 Swordfighting at Sea
- 2 The Fight with Dogsbreath the Duhbrain
- 3 A Chance in a Million
- 4 Whose Coffin Is This Anyway?
- 5 DO NOT OPEN a Coffin That Says "Do Not Open"
- 6 The Tale of Alvin
- 7 Practicing Swordfighting
- 8 Meanwhile, In a Cavern
- 9 The Advanced Rudery Lesson
- 10 The Worst Day of Hiccup so Far
- 11 The Treasure of Grimbeard the Ghastly
- 12 Escape From the Isle of the Skullions
- 13 The Treasure
- 14 The Take Takes a Turn For the Worst
- 15 The Battle on Board the Lucky Thirteen
- 16 At the Bottom of the Ocean
- 17 How Bad Could This Day Get
- 18 Grimbeard the Ghastly Final Surprise.
- 19 The Heir to Grimbeard the Ghastly
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