
Vintage Base Ball Game

The mission of the Vintage Base Ball Association is to preserve, perpetuate, and promote the game of base ball as it was played during its formative years in the nineteenth century. Teams competing today wear period reproduction uniforms, use period authentic equipment and follow baseball rules from the 19th century in order to accurately present the history of baseball to the public. Most vintage base ball clubs in the VBBA play the game of base ball according to the rules of the late 1850s, 1860s and 1880s. The mid-nineteenth century game was considerably different than today’s game. Matches can be seen almost 12 months out of each year at open-air museums, living history villages, Civil War re-enactments and city parks and is played in over 20 states including Canada.

Additional Details

Resource Type
field trip
Print Status
In Print
Historical Setting
1850 - 1890

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