Esperanza Rising [SCM]
by Pam Munoz Ryan Author
(From Amazon): Esperanza is a young girl who is forced to move from her family's prosperous ranch in Mexico to California in the midst of the Great Depression. Her family finds themselves in a Mexican farm labor camp, working harder than they ever imagined and enduring harsh treatment.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0439576172
- Print Status
- In Print
- chapters
- 14
- Pages
- 265
- Suggested Grades
- 5th - 8th
- Geographical Setting
- Mexico, California
- Historical Setting
- 1920 - 1930
- Publisher
- Scholastic
- Copyright
- 2000
- 1 Aguacalientes, Mexico, 1924
- 2 Las Uvas (Grapes) - Six Years Later
- 3 Las Papayas (Papayas)
- 4 Los Higos (Figs)
- 5 Las Guayabas (Guavas)
- 6 Low Melones (Cantaloupes)
- 7 Las Cebollas (Onions)
- 8 Las Almendras (Almonds)
- 9 Las Ciruelas (Plums)
- 10 Las Papas (Potatoes)
- 11 Los Aguacates (Avocados)
- 12 Low Espárragos (Asparagus)
- 13 Los Duraznos (Peaches)
- 14 Las Uvas (Grapes)
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