Saints and Heroes Since the Middle Ages (Yesterday's Classics)
by George Hodges Author
(From Amazon): An engaging introduction to the history of the church from the Reformation to modern times, taking up the story where Saints and Heroes to the End of the Middle Ages leaves off. Relates the stories of 14 saints and heroes and the contributions they made to their faith traditions. Covers Luther, More, Loyola, Cranmer, Calvin, Knox, Coligny, William the Silent, Brewster, Laud, Cromwell, Bunyan, Fox, and Wesley.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-1599150949
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 14
- Pages
- 216
- Suggested Grades
- 8th - 12th
- Publisher
- Yesterday's Classics
- Copyright
- 2006
- 1 Luther
- 2 More
- 3 Loyola
- 4 Cranmer
- 5 Calvin
- 6 Knox
- 7 Caligny
- 8 William The Silent
- 9 Brewster
- 10 Laud
- 11 Cromwell
- 12 Bunyan
- 13 Fox
- 14 Wesley
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