Do Hard Things
by Alex Harris Author, Brett Harris Author
A growing movement of young people is rebelling against the low expectations of today's culture by choosing to "do hard things" for the glory of God. And Alex and Brett Harris are leading the charge. Do Hard Things is the Harris twins' revolutionary message in its purest and most compelling form, giving readers a tangible glimpse of what is possible for teens who actively resist cultural lies that limit their potential. Combating the idea of adolescence as a vacation from responsibility, the authors weave together biblical insights, history, and modern examples to redefine the teen years as the launching pad of life. Then they map out five powerful ways teens can respond for personal and social change. Written by teens for teens, Do Hard Things is packed with humorous personal anecdotes, practical examples, and stories of real-life rebelutionaries in action. This rallying cry from the heart of an already-happening teen revolution challenges a generation to lay claim to a brighter future, starting today.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 1601421125
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 90
- Pages
- 242
- Suggested Grades
- 9th - 12th
- Publisher
- Multnomah
- Copyright
- 2008
- 0 Forward By Chuck Norris
- 0 Introduction - Looking back, Looking Ahead
- 1 Most People Don't
- 2a The Birth of a Big Idea
- 2b Striking the Right Chord
- 2c Guinea Pigs for Our own Ideas
- 2d Racing Across the State
- 2e Shy Girl in Charge
- 2f Rebelling Against Rebellion
- 2g Rebelution Rising
- 2h Better Than Success
- 3a The Myth of Adolescence
- 3b Before There Was MySpace
- 3c George, David, and Clara
- 3d The History of You (Starting One Hundred Years Ago)
- 3e Making Our Beds (And Other Feats of Valor)
- 3f The Surprising Power of Expectation
- 3g What the Bible Says About Teens
- 3h Breaking the Twine
- 4a A Better Way
- 4b Failure to Launch
- 4c The Rise of the Kidult
- 4d The Genius of Hard Things
- 4e Five Kinds of Hard
- 5a That First Scary Step
- 5b We've All Had "First Shower" Experiences
- 5c Breaking Out of Your Old Zone
- 5d 1. God Works Through Our Weaknesses to Accomplish His Big Plans
- 5e 2. Courage Is Not the Absence of Fear
- 5f 3. You Can't Get to Success Without Risking Failure
- 5g A Step Into the Unknown
- 5h Unknown Future, Known God
- 6a Raising the Bar
- 6b The Trap of "Just Do Your Best"\
- 6c Meet Mr. Complacency
- 6d Three Strategies for Stepping Higher
- 6e Do What's Hard for You
- 6f Be Known for What You Do (More than for What You Don't)
- 6g Pursue Excellence, Not Excuses
- 6h From Wimp to World-Changer
- 7a The Power of Collaboration
- 7b Strength In Numbers
- 7c "Could I Post Some Questions?"
- 7d Ten Things We've Learned About Teams
- 7e 1. Start with Questions
- 7f 2. Walk with the Wise
- 7g 3. Don't Overlook Home Field Advantage
- 7h 4. Use Technology to Grow Your Team
- 7i 5. Treasure Constructive Criticism
- 7j 6. Credit Is Free if You Give It Away
- 7k 8. Expect a Nightmare or Two
- 7l Don't Give Up
- 7m 10. Success Happens (in More Ways that One)
- 8a Small Hard Things
- 8b Mending Nets and Gutting Fish
- 8c Why Small Gets So Hard
- 8d The Plan Behind the Pain
- 8e A Lesson From the Vikings
- 8f Check, Check, Check!
- 8g "Here Lived a Great Street Sweeper"
- 9a Taking a Stand
- 9b What Defines You?
- 9c Doing What's Right, Even When It Hurts
- 9d We'll Always Be Glad We Did
- 9e Examine Yourself
- 9f Listen to Your Conscience
- 9g Seek Godly counsel
- 9h Be Humble, Loving, and Bold
- 9i Be Part of the Solution
- 9j If You Want to Stand, Stand Now
- 10a Generation Rising
- 10b A Bigger Reality
- 10c Operation Salt and Light
- 10d Oh, The Things We Will Do!
- 10e The Three Pillars
- 10f Year of the World-Changer
- 10g Do You Have a Holy Ambition?
- 11a A Thousand Young Heroes
- 11b Zach Hunter: An Unlikely Hero
- 11c Jazzy Dytes: Small Voice, Big World
- 11d Brittany Lewin: A Calling Higher Than Politics
- 11e Leslie and Lauren Reavely:Taking Hope to the Streets
- 11f Brantley Gunn: Mission Field Next Door
- 11g What Is - And What Could Be
- 12a World, Meet Your Rebelutionaries
- 12b Making It Stick
- 12c Out With The Old
- 12d Helping Those Who Stand Alone
- 12e Rethinking Companionship
- 12f The Story Waiting to Be Told
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