HeartShaper Thru-the-Bible Coloring Pages
by Standard Publishing Author
(From Amazon): Bible story application and Bible memory pictures reinforce Bible teaching for early elementary kids. Reproducible. HeartShaper® Resources help children of all ages discover God's love and interact with the Bible in a way that helps them connect to God, Jesus, the church, family, and others. These age-appropriate resources can enhance any children's curriculum and help reinforce Bible lessons.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9780784717851
- Print Status
- In Print
- pages
- 227
- Pages
- 240
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 4th
- Publisher
- Standard Publishing
- Edition
- Perfect Bound
- Copyright
- 2018
- 11 Genesis 1 - God Makes the World
- 12 Genesis 1 - Only God made the world.
- 13 Genesis 1- God Makes the Animals
- 14 Genesis 1 - Only God made the animals.
- 15 Genesis 1, 2 - God Makes People
- 16 Genesis 1,2 - Only God Made people.
- 17 Genesis 6, 7 - Noah Obeys God
- 18 Genesis 6, 7 - We can obey God when it's hard.
- 19 Genesis 8, 9 - God Keeps His Promise to Noah
- 20 Genesis 8, 9 - We can obey God; He keeps His promises.
- 21 Genesis 12,13 - Abraham's new Home
- 22 Genesis 12,13 - We can obey what God says to do.
- 23 Genesis 13 - Abraham Lets Lot Choose First
- 24 Genesis 13 - God wants us to let other choose first.
- 25 Genesis 15, 17, 18, 21 - The Birth of Isaac
- 26 Genesis 15, 17, 18, 21 - We can obey God because He keeps His promises.
- 27 Genesis 24 - Rebekah is Kind
- 28 Genesis 24 - God wants us to be kind.
- 29 Genesis 26 - Isaac Is a Peacemaker
- 30 Genesis 26 - God wants us to be peacemakers.
- 31 Genesis 28-33 - God Cares for Jacob
- 32 Genesis 28-33 - We can obey God because He cares for us.
- 33 Genesis 37, 39 - Joseph Does His Best
- 34 Genesis 37, 39 - God wants us to do our best.
- 35 Genesis 41-43, 45 - Joseph Forgives His Brothers
- 36 Genesis 41-43 - God wants us to forgive others.
- 37 Exodus 1, 2, 6 - God Cares for Moses
- 38 Exodus 1, 2, 6 - God cares for us.
- 39 Exodus 7-13 - God Cares for His People
- 40 Exodus 7-13 - God can do anything.
- 41 Exodus 13, 14 - God's People Cross the Red Sea
- 42 Exodus 13, 14 - God is powerful.
- 43 Exodus 16, 17; Numbers 11 - God Gives Food and Water
- 44 Exodus 16, 17; Numbers 11 - God gives us what we need.
- 45 Exodus 19, 20, 24, 31, 32 - God Gives Ten Rules
- 46 Exodus 19, 20, 24, 31, 32 - God's rules are good.
- 47 Numbers 13, 14 - Joshua and Caleb Believe God
- 48 Numbers 13, 14 - God wants us to believe what He says.
- 49 Deuteronomy 31, 34; Joshua 1 - God Is with Moses and Joshua
- 50 Deuteronomy 31, 34; Joshua 1 - God wants us to know He is always with us.
- 51 Joshua 5, 6 - Joshua Obeys God at Jericho
- 52 Joshua 5, 6 - God wants us to obey Him.
- 53 Joshua 24 - God's People choose to Serve Him
- 54 Joshua 24 - God wants us to serve Him.
- 55 Judges 4 - Deborah helps Barak Obey
- 56 Judges 4 - We can do what is right and help others obey.
- 57 Judges 6, 7 - Gideon is Brave
- 58 Judges 6, 7 - We can do what is right and be brave.
- 59 Ruth 1, 2 - Ruth Works Hard
- 60 Ruth 1, 2 - We can do what is right and work hard.
- 61 1 Samuel 1 - Hannah Keeps a Promise
- 62 1 Samuel 1 - We can do what is right and keep our promises.
- 63 1 Samuel 2, 3, 7 - Samuel Listens and Obeys
- 64 1 Samuel 2, 3, 7 - We can choose to listen and obey.
- 65 1 Samuel 8-10 - Samuel Obeys God
- 66 1 Samuel 8-10 - We can choose to obey God.
- 67 1 Samuel 15 - Saul Disobeys God
- 68 1 Samuel 15 - We can choose to obey God's rules.
- 69 1 Samuel 16 - Samuel Anoints David as King
- 70 1 Samuel 16 - We can choose to obey God when it's hard.
- 71 1 Samuel 16, 17 - David Does His Job
- 72 1 Samuel 16, 17 - God helps us do our jobs.
- 73 1 Samuel 17 - David is Brave
- 74 1 Samuel 17 - God helps us to be brave.
- 75 1 Samuel 18-20 - David and Jonathan are Friends
- 76 1 Samuel 18-20 - God helps us be friends.
- 77 1 Samuel 26 - David Does the Right Thing
- 78 1 Samuel 26 - God helps us do the right things.
- 79 1 Kings 3, 4 - Solomon Prays for Wisdom
- 80 1 Kings 3, 4 - God hears our prayers to make right choices.
- 81 1 Kings 17 - God Cares for Elijah
- 82 1 Kings 17 - We can praise God because He cares for us.
- 83 1 Kings 17 - God Gives Elijah Food
- 84 1 Kings 17 - We can thank God because He gives us food.
- 85 1 Kings 18 - God Shows His Power Through Elijah
- 86 1 Kings 18 - We can worship God because He is powerful.
- 87 1 Kings 22 - Micaiah Tells the Truth
- 88 1 Kings 22 - We can choose to tell the truth.
- 89 2 Kings 4 - God Brings a Boy Back to Life
- 90 2 Kings 4 - We can praise God because He can do anything.
- 91 2 Kings 5 - God Heals and Obedient Naaman
- 92 2 Kings 5 - We can obey God's instructions because they are right.
- 93 2 Kings 20 - Hezekiah Prays for Healing
- 94 2 Kings 20 - God hears our prayers when we are sick.
- 95 2 Kings 22, 23 - King Josiah Obeys the Law
- 96 2 Kings 22, 23 - We can choose to obey God's Word.
- 97 2 Chronicles 20 - Jehoshaphat Prays for Help
- 98 2 Chronicles 20 - God hears our prayers when we need help.
- 99 2 Chronicles 33 - Manasseh Prays for Forgiveness
- 100 2 Chronicles 33 - God hears our prayers when we need forgiveness.
- 101 Nehemiah 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 - Ezra and Nehemiah Help the People Do Right
- 102 Nehemiah 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 - We can choose to do what is right.
- 103 Esther 2-5, 7, 8 - Queen Esther Helps Others
- 104 Esther 2-5, 7, 8 - We can choose to help others even when it's hard.
- 105 Job 1, 2, 42 - Job Does What is Right
- 106 Job 1, 2, 42 - We can please God by doing what is right, even when it's hard.
- 107 Daniel 1 - Daniel and His Friends Eat Good Food
- 108 Daniel 1 - We can please God by obeying Him.
- 109 Daniel 3 - Daniel's Friends Face a Fiery Furnace
- 110 Daniel 3 - We can please God by worshiping only Him.
- 111 Daniel 6 - Daniel and the Lions' Den
- 112 Daniel 6 - We can please God by praying only to Him.
- 113 Jonah 1-3 - Jonah Changes His Mind
- 114 Jonah 1-3 - We can do what is right and obey God.
- 115 Luke 1 - Zecheriah Praises God
- 116 Luke 1 - We can celebrate Jesus' birth by praising God.
- 117 Luke 1 - An Angel Visits Mary
- 118 Luke 1 - We can sing about Jesus' birth.
- 119 Luke 1 - Mary Sings to God
- 120 Luke 1 - We can celebrate Jesus' birth by singing about Him.
- 121 Luke 2 - Jesus Is Born
- 122 Luke 2 - We can celebrate Jesus' birth
- 123 Luke 2 - Shepherds Tell About Jesus' Birth
- 124 Luke 2 - We can celebrate Jesus' birth by telling about Him.
- 125 Luke 2 - Shepherds Tell Others
- 126 Luke 2 - We can tell about Jesus' birth.
- 127 Luke 2 - Simeon and Anna Thank God
- 128 Luke 2 - We can celebrate Jesus' birth by thanking God.
- 129 Matthew 2 - Wise Men Travel to Worship Jesus
- 130 Matthew 2 - We can worship Jesus.
- 131 Matthew 2 - Wise Men Worship Jesus
- 132 Matthew 2 - We can celebrate Jesus' birth by worshiping Him
- 133 Luke 2 - Jesus Grows Up
- 134 Luke 2 - We can obey like Jesus.
- 135 Matthew 3; John 1 - John Baptizes Jesus
- 136 Matthew 3, John 1 - Jesus is God's Son
- 137 Matthew 4 - Satan Tempts Jesus
- 138 Matthew 4 - We can learn Bible verses that help us follow Jesus, God's son.
- 139 John 1 - Jesus' First Followers
- 140 John 1 - Jesus is God's Son. We can follow Him.
- 141 John 3 - Jesus Teaches About God
- 142 John 3 - Jesus wants us to learn about God.
- 143 John 4 - Jesus Is a Friend to a Woman from Samaria
- 144 John 4 - We can tell our friends about Jesus.
- 145 John 4 - Jesus Heals an Official's Son
- 146 John 4 - Jesus can do great things.
- 147 Mark 1, Luke 5 - Jesus Chooses Four Followers
- 148 Mark 1, Luke 5 - Jesus is the one to follow.
- 149 Mark 2 - Jesus Is a Friend to a Man Who is Paralyzed
- 150 Mark 2 - We can help our friends know about Jesus.
- 151 John 5 - Jesus Heals a Man at a Pool
- 152 John 5 - Jesus can do miracles.
- 153 Luke 7 - Jesus Brings a Young Man Back to Life
- 154 Luke 7 - Jesus can make people live again.
- 155 Luke 7 - Jesus Is a Friend to a Woman Needing Forgiveness
- 156 Luke 7 - We can forgive our friends.
- 157 Mark 4 - Jesus Stops a Storm
- 158 Mark 4 - Jesus has power over nature.
- 159 Mark 5 - Jesus Heals Jairus's Daughter
- 160 Mark 5 - Jesus can do great things.
- 161 John 6 - Jesus Feeds 5,000
- 162 John 6 - Jesus can provide what we need.
- 163 Matthew 14 - Jesus Walks on Water
- 164 Matthew 14 - Jesus can do anything.
- 165 Mark 7 - Jesus Heals a Man Who Can't Hear
- 166 Mark 7 - Jesus has the power to heal.
- 167 Matthew 17 - Jesus with Moses and Elijah
- 168 Matthew 17 - We can listen to Jesus, God's Son.
- 169 John 9 - Jesus Heals a Man Who Can't See
- 170 John 9 - Jesus has the power to heal.
- 171 Luke 10 - Jesus Teaches About Helping
- 172 Luke 10 - Jesus wants us to help.
- 173 Matthew 6; Luke 11 - Jesus Teaches About Prayer
- 174 Matthew 6, Luke 11 - Jesus wants us to pray.
- 175 Luke 12 - Jesus Teaches About Sharing
- 176 Luke 12 - Jesus wants us to share.
- 177 Luke 10; John 11 - Jesus Brings Lazarus Back to Life
- 178 Luke 10; John 11 - Jesus is powerful.
- 179 Luke 17 - Jesus and the Ten Men with Leprosy
- 180 Luke 17 - Jesus can do great things.
- 181 Mark 10 - Jesus and the Children
- 182 Mark 10 - Jesus loves us.
- 183 Luke 19 - Jesus is a Friend to Zaccheus
- 184 Luke 19 - We can help our friends obey God.
- 185 John 12 - People Praise Jesus
- 186 John 12 - Jesus is special; we can praise Him.
- 187 Luke 22 - The Last Supper
- 188 Luke 22 - Jesus is special; we can remember Him.
- 189 John 18-20 - Jesus Dies and Lives Again
- 190 John 18-20 - Jesus is special; tell everyone He's alive!
- 191 Matthew 26-28 - Jesus Is Alive
- 192 Matthew 26-28 - Jesus is special; He has power over death.
- 193 Acts 1, 2 - The Church Begins
- 194 Acts 1, 2 - We can follow Jesus.
- 195 Acts 3 - Peter and John at the Temple
- 196 Acts 3 - We can tell others about Jesus.
- 197 Acts 4 - Peter and John Speak Boldly
- 198 Acts 4 - We can speak boldly about Jesus.
- 199 Acts 8 - Philip Teaches a Man from Ethiopia
- 200 Acts 8 - We can understand God's Word.
- 201 Acts 9 - Peter and Tabitha
- 202 Acts 9 - We can believe in Jesus.
- 203 Acts 9, 22 - Paul Learns About Jesus
- 204 Acts 9, 22 - We can learn about Jesus, God's Son.
- 205 Acts 11, 13 - Paul an Barnabas tell About Jesus
- 206 Acts 11, 13 - We can tell others that Jesus is God's Son.
- 207 Acts 14 - Paul and Barnabas Help People Know About Jesus
- 208 Acts 14 - We can help people know that Jesus is God's Son.
- 209 Acts 16 - Lydia Follows Jesus
- 210 Acts 16 - We can follow Jesus, God's Son.
- 211 Acts 16 - Paul and Silas Sing in Prison
- 212 Acts 16 - We can tell about Jesus by singing.
- 213 Acts 21, 22 - Paul tells a Crowd About Jesus
- 214 Acts 21, 22 - We can tell about Jesus even when it's hard.
- 215 Acts 27, 28 - Paul is Shipwrecked
- 216 Acts 27, 28 - We can tell about Jesus in lots of places.
- 217 Acts 28; Philippians 1 - Paul Tells About Jesus in Rome
- 218 Acts 28; Philippians 1 - We can tell about Jesus in our homes.
- 219 Genesis 1:1
- 220 Joshua 24:15
- 221 Psalm 19:14
- 222 Psalm 86:9, 10
- 223 Psalm 119:9, 10
- 224 Psalm 124:8, 146:5
- 225 Matthew 16;15, 16
- 226 Matthew 28:5, 6
- 227 Mark 16:15
- 228 Luke 1:31; 2:21
- 229 Luke 2:10, 11
- 230 Luke 10:27
- 231 John 15:12, 14, 15
- 232 John 20:30, 31
- 233 Acts 4:19, 20
- 234 Ephesians 4:32
- 235 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
- 236 1 Peter 5:7
- 237 1 John 5:3
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