This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States
by H. E. Marshall Author
(From Amazon): Contents Part I STORIES OF EXPLORERS AND PIONEERS 1. How the Vikings of Old Sought And Found New Lands 2. The Sea of Darkness And the Great Faith of Columbus 3. How Columbus Fared Forth Upon the Sea of Darkness And Came To Pleasant Lands Beyond 4. How Columbus Returned in Triumph 5. How America Was Named 6. How the Flag of England Was Planted on the Shores of the New World 7. How the Flag of France Was Planted in Florida 8. How the French Founded a Colony in Florida 9. How the Spaniards Drove the French Out of Florida 10. How a Frenchman Avenged the Death of His Countrymen 11. The Adventures of Sir Humphrey Gilbert 12. About Sir Walter Raleigh's Adventures in the Golden West Part II STORIES OF VIRGINIA 13. The Adventures of Captain John Smith 14. More Adventures of Captain John Smith 15. How the Colony Was Saved 16. How Pocahontas Took a Journey Over the Seas 17. How the Redmen Fought Against Their White Brothers 18. How Englishmen Fought a Duel With Tyranny 19. The Coming of the Cavaliers 20. Bacon's Rebellion 21. The Story of the Knights of the Golden Horseshoe Part III STORIES OF NEW ENGLAND 22. The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers 23. The Founding of Massachusetts 24. The Story of Harry Vane 25. The Story of Anne Hutchinson And the Founding of Rhode Island 26. The Founding of Harvard 27. How Quakers First Came To New England 28. How Maine And New Hampshire Were Founded 29. The Founding of Connecticut And War With the Indians 30. The Founding of New Haven 31. The Hunt For the Regicides 32. King Philip's War 33. How the Charter of Connecticut Was Saved 34. The Witches of Salem Part IV STORIES OF THE MIDDLE AND SOUTHERN COLONIES 35. The Founding of Maryland 36. How New Amsterdam Be Came New York 37. How a German Ruled New York 38. Pirates! 39. The Founding of New Jersey 40. The Founding of Pennsylvania 41. How Benjamin Franklin Came To Philadelphia 42. The Founding of North And South Carolina 43. War with the Indians in North and South Carolina 44. The Founding of Georgia Part V STORIES OF THE FRENCH IN AMERICA 45. How the Mississippi Was Discovered 46. King William's War And Queen Anne's War 47. The Mississippi Bubble 48. How a Terrible Disaster Befell the British Army 49. The End of French Rule in America 50. The Rebellion of Pontiac Part VI STORIES OF THE STRUGGLE FOR LIBERTY 51. The Boston Tea-Party 52. Paul Revere's Ride - The Unsheathing of the Sword 53. The First Thrust - The Battle Or Bunker Hill 54. The War in Canada 55. The Birth of a Great Nation 56. The Darkest Hour - Trenton And Princeton 57. Burgoyne's Campaign - Bennington And Oriskany 58. Burgoyne's Campaign - Bemis Heights And Saratoga 59. Brandywine - Germantown - Valley Forge 60. War on the Sea 61. The Battle of Monmouth - The Story of Captain Molly 62. The Story of a Great Crime 63. A Turning Point in the World's History Part VII STORIES OF THE UNITED STATES UNDER THE CONSTITUTION 64. Washington First in War, First in Peace 65. Adams - How He Kept Peace With France 66. Jefferson - How the Territory of the United States Was Doubled 67. Jefferson - How the Door Into the Far West Was Opened 68. Jefferson - About an American Who Wanted To Be a King 69. Madison - The Shooting Star And the Prophet 70. Madison - War With Great Britain 71. Monroe - The First Whispers of a Storm - Monroe's Famous Doctrine 72. Adams - The Tariff of Abominations 73. Jackson - "Liberty And Union, Now And Forever" - Van Buren - Hard Times 74. Harrison - The Hero of Tippecanoe, 75. Tyler - Florida Becomes a State 76. Polk - How Much Land Was Added To the United States 77. Polk - The Finding of Gold 78. Taylor - Union Or Disunion 79. Fillmore - The Underground Railroad 80. Pierce - The Story of "Bleeding Kansas" 81. Buchanan - The Story of the Mormons 82. Buchanan - The First Shots 83. Lincoln - From Bull Run To Fort Donelson 84. Lincoln - The Story of the First Battle Between Ironclads 85. Lincoln - Thru Battle of Shiloh And the Taking of New Orleans 86. Lincoln ...
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-1479101979
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 99
- Pages
- 378
- Geographical Setting
- North America
- Publisher
- CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- Copyright
- 2012
- 1 How the Vikings of Old Sought and Found New Lands
- 2 The Sea of Darkness and the Faith of Columbus
- 3 How Columbus Fared Forth upon the Sea of Darkness
- 4 how Columbus Returned in Triumph
- 5 How America Was Named
- 6 How the Flag of England Was Planted in the New World
- 7 How the Flag of France Was Planted in Florida
- 8 How the French Founded a Colony in Florida
- 9 How the Spaniards Drove the French out of Florida
- 10 How a Frenchman Avenged the Death of Countrymen
- 11 The Adventures of Sir Humphrey Gilbert
- 12 About Sir Walter Raleigh's Adventures in the West
- 13 The Adventures of Captain John Smith
- 14 More Adventures of Captain John Smith
- 15 How the Colony was Saved
- 16 How Pocahontas Took a Journey over the Seas
- 17 How the Redmen Fought against Their White Brothers
- 18 How Englishmen Fought a Duel with Tyranny
- 19 The Coming of the Cavaliers
- 20 Bacon's Rebellion
- 21 The Knights of the Golden Horseshoe
- 22 The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers
- 23 The Founding of Massachusetts
- 24 The Story of Harry Vane
- 25 The Story of Anne Hutchinson
- 26 The Founding of Harvard
- 27 How Quakers First Came to New England
- 28 How Maine and New Hampshire Were Founded
- 29 The Founding of Connecticut and War with Indians
- 30 The Founding of New Haven
- 31 The Hunt for the Regicides
- 32 King Philip's War
- 33 How the Charter of Connecticut Was Saved
- 34 The Witches of Salem
- 35 The Founding of Maryland
- 36 How New Amsterdam Became New York
- 37 How a German Ruled New York
- 38 Pirates!
- 39 The Founding of New Jersey
- 40 The Founding of Pennsylvania
- 41 How Benjamin Franklin Came ot Philadelphia
- 42 The Founding of North and South Carolina
- 43 War with the Indians in North and South Carolina
- 44 The Founding of Georgia
- 45 How the Mississippi Was Discovered
- 46 King William's War and Queen Anne's War
- 47 The Mississippi Bubble
- 48 How a Terrible Disaster Befell the British Army
- 49 The End of French Rule in America
- 50 The Rebellion of Pontiac
- 51 The Boston Tea-Party
- 52 Paul Revere's Ride
- 53 The First Thrust-The Battle of Bunker Hill
- 54 The War in Canada
- 55 The Birth of a Great Nation
- 56 The Darkest Hour- Trenton and Princeton
- 57 Burgoyne's Campaign- Bennington and Oriskany
- 58 Burgoyne's Campaign- Bemis Heights, Saratoga
- 59 Brandywine- Germantown- Valley Forge
- 60 War on the Sea
- 61 The Battle of Monmouth
- 62 The Story of a Great Crime
- 63 A Turning Point in the World's History
- 64 Washington First in War, First in Peace
- 65 Adams- How He Kept Peace with France
- 66 Jefferson- How the Territory Was Doubled
- 67 Jefferson- How the Door Was Opened
- 68 Jefferson- An American Who Wanted to be King
- 69 Madison- The Shooting Star and Prophet
- 70 Madison- War With Great Britain
- 71 Monroe- Monroe's Famous Doctrine
- 72 Adams- The Tariff of Abominations
- 73 Jackson- "Liberty and Union, Now and Forever"
- 74 Harrison- The Hero of Tippecanoe
- 75 Tyler- Florida Becomes a State
- 76 Polk- How Much Land Was Added
- 77 Polk- The Finding of Gold
- 78 Taylor- Union or Disunion
- 79 Fillmore- The Underground Railroad
- 80 Pierce- The Story of "Bleeding Kansas"
- 81 Buchanan- The Story of the Mormons
- 82 Buchanan- The First Shots
- 83 Lincoln- From Bull Run to Fort Donelson
- 84 Lincoln- The First Battle between Ironclads
- 85 Lincoln- The Battle of Shiloh
- 86 Lincoln- The Slaves Are Made Free
- 87 Lincoln- The Death of Stonewall Jackson
- 88 Lincoln- The Battle of Gettysburg
- 89 Lincoln- Grant's Campaign
- 90 Lincoln- Sherman's March to the Sea
- 91 Lincoln- The End of the War
- 92 Johnson- How the President Was Impeached
- 93 Grant- A Peaceful Victory
- 94 Hays- Garfield- Arthur
- 95 Cleveland- Harrison- Cleveland
- 96 McKinley- War and Sudden Death
- 97 Roosevelt- Taft
- 98 Wilson- Troubles with Mexico
- 99 Wilson- The Great War
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