
North Star Geography

by Tyler H Hogan Author

(From Amazon): GEOGRAPHY is more than just place names and outline maps-it's understanding how the world around us works! North Star Geography gives students a deep understanding of how geography impacts all of us every day-with real-life applications for college, career, citizenship, and ministry. Written from a distinctly Christian perspective by a homeschool grad (now a homeschool dad), North Star Geography is a full high school credit. It covers: Geography Skills (such as reading maps and navigation) Physical Geography (the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere) Human Geography (social structures, culture and heritage, interacting with the environment) Includes hardback book and companion guide CD


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  • 1 what is geography
  • 2 maps
  • 3 navigation
  • 4 the structure of the earth
  • 5 topography
  • 6 the lithosphere
  • 7 the hydrosphere
  • 7.1 The canary islands
  • 7.2 Beyond the ocean
  • 7.3 Florida aquifers
  • 7.4 geyser fields
  • 8 The atmosphere
  • 8.1 Catatumbo lightning flelds
  • 8.2 Climate and weather
  • 8.3 The atacama desert
  • 8.4 Clouds and storms
  • 8.5 Tornado valley and YouTube video
  • 9 The biosphere
  • 9.1 The Kenyan savanna
  • 9.2 Fauna and food chains
  • 9.3 Horseshoe crabs
  • 9.4 Flora
  • 9.5 The amazon rainforest
  • 10 Unit 3 survival and society
  • 10.1 South Sudan
  • 10.2 Population
  • 10.3 Tokyo japan
  • 10.4 Utopia
  • 10.5 Haiti
  • 11 Environmental stewardship
  • 11.1 Ecotourism
  • 11.2 Climate change
  • 11.3 Environmental policy
  • 11.4 Practical stewardship
  • 11.5 Fracking in Canada
  • 11.6 Waste management in India
  • 12 Agriculture
  • 12.1 Ukraine
  • 12.2 Livestock
  • 12.3 Alaskan fishing
  • 12.4 Agribusiness
  • 12.5 Irrigation in israel
  • 13 Culture
  • 13.1 The Hagia sofia
  • 13.2 Religion
  • 13.3 Vatican city
  • 13.4 Secular humanism in the Netherlands
  • 13.5 The samye intibet
  • 13.6 Things we have in common
  • 13.7 Jerusalem
  • 14 Heritage
  • 14.1 Paraguay
  • 14.2 Irish illuminated manuscripts
  • 14.3 Social habits
  • 14.4 Japanese values
  • 14.5 Hospitality in jordan
  • 14.6 Cultural diversity
  • 14.7 Yap traditional stone money
  • 15 Government
  • 15.1 Antartica
  • 15.2 Political ideology
  • 15.3 The Chinese one party system
  • 15.4 Theocracy in iran
  • 15.5 Economics
  • 15.6 Germany Berlin Wall to today
  • 16 Tying it all together
  • 16.1 Geography in real life
  • 16.2 Where do we go from here

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