The Usborne Book of Famous Lives
by Felicity Everett Author
(From Amazon): From nuclear physicists to sharp-shooters, from ice dancers to the Dalai Lama, this book looks at the people who have shaped history with their exploits, amazing discoveries or infamous deeds ' BE AWARE!!! This book gives brief explanations of creation, evolution and other matters as if it's proven fact and as if it is no longer accepted as Biblical Truth by the general population any longer. Teaching what others believe may be helpful for students to learn about with your beliefs emphasized within your family unit.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0-7460-3034-7
- Print Status
- In Print
- Contents
- 138
- Pages
- 245
- Suggested Grades
- 3rd - 12th
- Publisher
- Educational Development Corporation
- Copyright
- 2000
- ..... ..... Inventors .....
- pg 3..... Introduction
- pg 4..... Early inventions
- pg 6..... Measuring instruments
- pg 8..... Instruments of observation
- pg 10.... Manufacturing and automation
- pg 12.... Motor Cars
- pg 14.... Trains and railways
- pg16.... Sea transport
- pg 18.... Air transport
- pg 20.... Inventions in the home
- pg 22.... A revolution in the office
- pg 24.... Construciton and buildings
- pg 26.... Printing
- pg 28.... Communication machines
- pg 30.... Photography and film
- pg 32.... Radio and television
- pg 34.... Recording sound
- pg 36.... Lifesavers
- pg 38.... Medical inventions
- pg 40.... Weapons of warfare
- pg 42.... Calculators and computers
- pg 44.... The power of the imagination
- pg 46.... Key dates in the history of invention
- pg 48.... The Inventors quiz
- ..... ..... Scientists .....
- pg 51... Introduction
- pg 52... Early scientific ideas
- pg 54.... Science in Ancient Greece
- pg 56.... Medicine in the ancient world
- pg 58.... Islamic science
- pg 60.... Science in medieval Europe
- pg 62.... The earth and the sun
- pg 64.... Understanding the Human Body
- pg 66.... Science during the Renaissance
- pg 68.... Scientific societies
- pg 70.... The rise of experiment
- pg 72.... Classifying the natural world
- pg 74.... The age of the earth
- pg 76.... Evolution
- pg 78.... The growth of modern chemistry
- pg 80.... Studying electricity
- pg 82.... The fight against disease
- pg 84.... Waves and radiation
- pg 86.... The science of life
- pg 88.... Opening up the atom
- pg 90.... The origin of the universe
- pg 92.... Women in science
- pg 94.... Key dates in scientific discovery
- pg 96.... The Scientists quiz
- ..... ..... Explorers .....
- pg 99.... Introduction
- Africa
- pg 100.. Ibn Battula
- pg 102... The Green Sea of Darkness
- pg 104... Searching for the River Niger and Timbuktu
- pg 106... The source of the Nile
- pg 108... Exploring the heart of Africa
- Asia
- pg 110... East goes West
- pg 112... Marco Polo
- pg 114... Vasco da Gama and the route to India
- pg 115... The search for the Northeast Passage
- America's
- pg 116... The Vikings reach America
- pg 118... Christopher Columbus
- pg 120... Cortes
- pg 122... The hunt for the Northwest Passage
- pg 123... The building of New France
- pg 124... Across the continent
- pg 126... Scientists and dreamers
- Australasia
- pg 128... The quest for a southern continent
- pg 130... Into the interior
- Arabia
- pg 132... The forbidden land
- Circumnavigation
- pg. 134... Around the World
- The Poles
- pg 136... The race for the Poles
- Mountains
- pg 138... The roof of the World
- Undersea
- pg 140... Exploring the oceans
- Space
- pg 141... Beyond the Earth
- pg 142... Key dates in the world of exploration
- pg 144... The Explorers quiz
- ..... ..... Kings and Queens .....
- p 147.... Introduction
- p 148.... Crowning a monarch
- p 150 Palaces
- p 152.... Life at a royal court
- p 154.... Gods, kings and queens
- p 156.... Warrior kings
- p 158.... Warrior queens
- p 160.... Royal builders
- p 162.... Royal patrons
- p 164.... Tragic monarchs
- p 166.... Pious monarchs
- p 168.... Royal scandals
- p 170.... Royal romances
- p 172.... Mad monarchs
- p 174.... Unsolved mysteries
- p 176.... Regents and child monarchs
- p 178.... Self-made monarchs
- p 180.... Pretenders
- p 182.... Close to the throne
- p 184.... Buying a monarch
- p 186.... Monarchy today
- p 188.... Mythical kings and queens
- p 190.... Date chart
- p 192.... The Kings and Queens quiz
- ..... ..... Famous Women .....
- p 195.... Introduction
- p 196.... The first great women leaders
- p 198.... Modern leaders
- p 200.... Female fighters
- p 202.... Reformers
- p 204.... Revolutionaries
- p 206.... Women helping women
- p 208.... Robbers and rogues
- p 210.... Brave and bold women
- p 212.... Notorious women
- p 214.... Caregivers
- p 216.... The power behind the throne
- p 218.... Adventures overseas
- p 220.... All at sea
- p 222.... Aviators and astronauts
- p 224.... Leading ladies
- p 226.... Women and words
- p 228.... Creative genius
- p 230.... Scientific minds
- p 232.... Great businesswomen
- p 234.... Sporting success
- p 236.... Media stars
- p 238 A list of female firsts
- p 240 The Famous Women Quiz
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