
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564; Italian Renaissance)

1. Pieta, 1498-1499 2. David, 1501-1504, Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence front; hand (detail) OR Moses, c. 1513-1515, San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome 3. Doni Tondo, 1507, Uffizi, Florence 4. Sistine Chapel, 1508-1512, Vatican City (Rome) 5. Creation of Man, 1512, Vatican City (Rome) 6. Libyan Sibyl, 1510-1511, Vatican City (Rome);

Additional Details

Print Status
In Print
Picture Studies
Geographical Setting
Historical Setting
1475 - 1564

Picture Studies

  • 1 Pieta, 1498-1499
  • 2 David, 1501-1504, Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence front; hand (detail) OR Moses, c. 1513-1515, San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome
  • 3 Doni Tondo, 1507, Uffizi, Florence
  • 4 Sistine Chapel, 1508-1512, Vatican City (Rome)
  • 5 Creation of Man, 1512, Vatican City (Rome)
  • 6 Libyan Sibyl, 1510-1511, Vatican City (Rome)

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