
A Bluestocking Guide: Economics

by Jane A. Williams Author

(From Amazon): "A Bluestocking Guide: Economics" is a multi-age level book designed to reinforce and enhance a student's understanding of the subject matter presented in the primer "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" an Uncle Eric book by Richard J. Maybury. ABOUT ALL BLUESTOCKING GUIDESBluestocking Guides include comprehension questions relating to specific chapters within the primer. These include: Definition, True/False, and Short Answer/Fill-in questions (answers are located in the back of the study guide -- Note: student answers to some questions/exercises do not always have definitive answers, in which case the notation "answers will vary" will appear). Application Exercises are also given for certain chapters. Generally, these ask the student to apply the knowledge he/she learned from a given chapter of the primer to "real world" situations. This way the student may personalize the information to better retain and apply the knowledge gained from the primer. Application Exercises may include: Essay assignments, Research projects, and thought questions to facilitate student-instructor discussion. Bluestocking Guides may also include suggestions for further study (books, movies, etc.). A comprehensive final exam is included and most answers are located in the back of the study guide.In addition to assisting the student in the retention of the subject matter, the study guide will serve as documentation of course completion.SPECIFIC TO A BLUESTOCKING GUIDE: ECONOMICS"A Bluestocking Guide: Economics" includes additional articles, written at varying reading levels, that expand on the concepts presented in the primer.Includes suggested activities, articles that expand on the concepts presented in Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?, a list of recommended movies and documentaries that contain good economic history, and a list of web sites with good economic content. Also included is an economic timetable that can be used to fill in the economic history that is usually missing from history books, historical fiction, historical movies, documentaries, etc.Time Frame for Study: Bluestocking Guides are organized to allow the instructor flexibility in designing the ideal course of study for the student. Therefore, there is no "right" or "wrong" time frame for covering the material; the instructor should tailor the study of the primer and study guide to the student's unique school schedule, learning style and age. An easy-to-apply rule of thumb for determining length of study is to divide the number of chapters in a primer by the number of weeks the instructor plans to study the subject/book. (Note: Chapter lengths vary, so sometimes a student may easily be able to read more than one chapter per lesson.) This guide is 8-1/2" x 11" in size. Bluestocking Guides are consumable student study guides and cannot be copied.Description of the primer, "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy" by Richard J. Maybury: This clearly written, award-winning book about economics is a remarkably easy and fun explanation of money (its origin and history), the dollar (its origin and history), investment cycles, velocity, business cycles, recessions, inflation, the demand for money, government (its economic behavior), and more. All explanations and interpretations are according to the Austrian and Monetarist schools of economic theory.The primer "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" is recommended for ages 13 through adult and is appropriate for courses in economics, business, finance, government and Ancient Rome.


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
9th - 9th
Bluestocking Pr


  • 1 economics for boys and girls
  • 2 letter to his step brother
  • 3 the wondrous toy store
  • 4 I, pencil
  • 5 Letter to his grandson
  • 6 the cow in the apartment
  • 7 start at the beginning
  • 8 why pay for things?
  • 9 ownership responsibility and the child
  • 10 Free market: Elementary, My Child
  • 11 For Discussion
  • 12 preface
  • 13 a note about economics
  • 14 Money: Coins and Paper
  • 15 Tanstaafl, the romans and us
  • 16 how government intervention plagued our 19th century economy
  • 17 inflation
  • 18 inflation is
  • 19 inflation in one page
  • 20 real investment value
  • 21 dollars, money and legal tender
  • 22 ideas on liberty
  • 23 Revolutions, Elections, and Printing Presses
  • 24 Big Mac index
  • 25 Wages, Prices, Spirals and Controls
  • 26 Dear Mr.Ag Secretary
  • 27 A lesson in socialism
  • 28 wallpaper, wheelbarrows, and recessions
  • 29 Fast money
  • 30 History Repeats
  • 31 Getting rich Quick
  • 32 investment survival in today's tough world
  • 33 the boom and bust cycle
  • 34 Nine myths about the crash
  • 35 fear has become the driver
  • 36 How much is a trillion
  • 37 the roaring 90's
  • 38 whats so bad about the federal debt
  • 39 one reason governments spend so much
  • 40 the nature of work
  • 41 the tale of the little red hen
  • 42 summary
  • 43 what happened in 2008?
  • 44 the unknown shakeout
  • 45 where do we go from here?
  • 46 Natural law and economic prosperity
  • 47 nations and legal systems
  • 48 projects
  • 49 final exam

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