
An Introduction to Policy Debate

by Christy L. Shipe Author

(From Amazon): A Christian student's purpose in learning the art of debate should always be to develop life skills that will help him or her glorify God and love others, whether by defending God's truth, standing up for the needy, or persuading lost people to come to the Savior. -- Preface Previously titled An Introduction to Argumentation and Debate, AN INTRODUCTION TO POLICY DEBATE has been newly revised and significantly updated. This accessible textbook opens the door to the exciting world of debate. Written for beginning debaters, it first answers the question What is formal debate?, then unfolds each subsequent step from researching the resolution, constructing the affirmative case, and preparing negative strategies to using evidence and practicing speech and delivery. The final chapters cover what to expect in a live debate, how to identify and understand various judging philosophies, and how to win and lose graciously. New material in this edition includes: An updated sample case and evidence Discussion questions and exercises at the end of each chapter to assist instructors and debaters alike Scripture references and biblical principles to help the novice debater cultivate the godly understanding and use of debate skills An emphasis on learning debate as a life skill rather than a game Correction of errors contained in previous editions


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Home School Legal Defense Association

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