Home Economics Unit 9 Child Growth and Development
The Sunrise Home Ec course (Grade 9 or above) introduces your high school girls to the skills and knowledge that godly wives, mothers, and homemakers need. Many hands-on learning opportunities provide practice in the skills being taught. The first four LightUnits cover food preparation—from basic nutritional information and smart shopping techniques to good kitchen arrangement and putting the food on the table. The next three LightUnits teach sewing—from the basics of using the sewing machine to the details of actually sewing clothing. LightUnit 8 discusses the godly home—its purpose, decorating it, and keeping it clean and clutter-free. LightUnit 9 describes the various stages of child growth—physically, mentally, and spiritually—from birth to the junior years. LightUnit 10 turns the focus to the student herself, giving her guidance in becoming a godly woman—understanding herself, God’s plan for her body, her relationship with God, friends and friendships, modesty, singlehood, and Christian courtship.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0-87813-942-7
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 16
- Suggested Grades
- 9th - 12th
- Publisher
- Christian Light Education
- Copyright
- 2001
- 1 Basic Needs of All Children
- 2 More Basic Needs
- 3 Birth to Six Months
- 4 Six to Twelve Months
- 5 Twelve to Twenty-Four Months
- 6 Section 1 Review and Quiz 1
- 7 Preschool Years (2-5) - Physical and Mental Growth
- 8 Preschool Years (2-5) - Social and Emotional Growth
- 9 Preschool Years (2-5) - Spiritual Growth
- 10 Primary Years (6-8) - Physical and Mental Characteristics
- 11 Primary Years( 6-8) - Social, Emotional, and Spiritual Characteristics
- 12 Section 2 Review and Quiz 2
- 13 Junior Years (9-11) - Physical and Mental Characteristics
- 14 Junior Years (9-11) - Social, Emotional, and Spiritual Characteristics
- 15 Self Check and Review
- 16 Light Unit 9 Test
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