God's Generals For Kids Volume 1: Kathryn Kuhlman
by Roberts Liardon Author
(From Amazon): Roberts Liardon has established himself as a leading researcher into the lives and ministries of the great healing evangelists. His God's Generals books have been widely read around the world. This is the first book in a series that is known as God's Generals for Kids, and this one deals with Kathryn Kuhlman. This well–written biography will capture the attention of children as they learn about God's power at work in the life of this great woman of God. It will inspire them to want to let God use them in whatever way He directs, and it will help them to develop a close personal relationship with Him. In her official biography by Jamie Buckingham, we find these words about Ms. Kuhlman:It is impossible to write about Kathryn Kuhlman without writing about God. Her life was not her own. In a very real way, she was a daughter of destiny. Chosen. Ordained to be His special handmaiden.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781610361088
- Print Status
- In Print
- chapters
- 16
- Pages
- 160
- Geographical Setting
- North America
- Publisher
- Bridge-Logos Publishers
- Edition
- Volume 1
- Copyright
- 2013
- 1 Birth and Childhood
- 2 The Day God Saved Me
- 3 Off With Myrtle
- 4 On Her Own
- 5 My Papa
- 6 From Denver to the Desert
- 7 Getting Back on Track
- 8 The Healing Ministry Begins
- 9 Building Bothers
- 10 Welcome to a Healing Service
- 11 Miracles Galore
- 12 A new Chapter
- 13 In the Spotlight
- 14 I Believe in Miracles
- 15 I Believe in God
- 16 The Final Run
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