The Child's Story Bible [SCM]
by Catherine F. Vos Author
Excellent telling of Bible accounts. Includes details many Bible story books omit.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 0802850111
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 202
- Pages
- 384
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 3rd
- Geographical Setting
- Israel, Babylon, Egypt, Rome, Palestine
- Publisher
- Eerdmans
- Copyright
- 1935
- Written
- 1934
- OT-1 In the Beginning God
- OT-2 How the World Began
- OT-3 The First Man, Adam
- OT-4 The First Woman, Eve
- OT-5 Adam and Eve Disobey God
- OT-6 The Terrible Result of Sin
- OT-7 A Loss and a Promise
- OT-8 The First Crime
- OT-9 What the First Men Were Like
- OT-10 The Second Beginning
- OT-11 The Strange Division of Men into Nations
- OT-12 Abraham Follows God
- OT-13 God Talks with Abraham
- OT-14 Sodom and Gomorrah
- OT-15 Abraham Sends Ishmael Away
- OT-16 God Tests Abraham
- OT-17 Rebekah
- OT-18 Jacob Buys the Birthright
- OT-19 Jacob Deceives His Father
- OT-20 Jacob Leaves Home
- OT-21 Jacob Meets Rachel
- OT-22 Jacob Leaves Haran Secretly
- OT-23 Jacob Goes Home
- OT-24 How Joseph Was Sold
- OT-25 In Potiphar's House
- OT-26 From Prison to Palace
- OT-27 Joseph's Dreams Come True
- OT-28 Benjamin Goes to Egypt
- OT-29 Joseph's Silver Cup
- OT-30 Jacob Goes to Egypt
- OT-31 The Death of Jacob
- OT-32 Moses
- OT-33 God Chooses Moses
- OT-34 A Stubborn King
- OT-35 The Children of Israel Leave Egypt
- OT-36 The End of the Egyptians
- OT-37 Israel in the Wilderness
- OT-38 God Talks from Mt. Sinai
- OT-39 The Golden Calf
- OT-40 The Tabernacle
- OT-41 How Israel Worshiped
- OT-42 Israel's Feasts
- OT-43 The Year of Jubilee
- OT-44 The Israelites Continue Their Journey
- OT-45 The Grumbling Israelites
- OT-46 Spies Search Out the Land
- OT-47 Three Miracles
- OT-48 The Death of Aaron
- OT-49 The Brass Snake
- OT-50 God Gives Victory
- OT-51 Balaam Displeases a Frightened King
- OT-52 The Last Days of Moses
- OT-53 Canaan at Last
- OT-54 A Victory and a Defeat
- OT-55 How Trickery Overthrew Ai and Saved Gibeon
- OT-56 When Night Was Late
- OT-57 Dividing the Land
- OT-58 Judges Rule Israel
- OT-59 How Death Came to Sisera
- OT-60 God Appears to Gideon
- OT-61 The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon
- OT-62 Samson
- OT-63 Samson Captured
- OT-64 Ruth's Choice
- OT-65 Samuel Is Given to God
- OT-66 War with the Philistines
- OT-67 Saul, the First King
- OT-68 David, the Shepherd Boy
- OT-69 David Becomes an Outlaw
- OT-70 Stories About the Outlawed David
- OT-71 More Stories About David and Saul
- OT-72 David, the King Whom God Loved
- OT-73 How the Good King Sinned
- OT-74 The Plan of a Bad Son
- OT-75 The Failure of the Plot
- OT-76 The Wisest Man in the World
- OT-77 The Golden Kingdom of Solomon
- OT-78 The Beginning of Bad Times
- OT-79 The Divided Kingdom
- OT-80 Elijah, the Stern Prophet
- OT-81 Stories About Israel's Wicked King
- OT-82 The Death of Ahab
- OT-83 God Protects His People
- OT-84 The Chariot of Fire
- OT-85 Elisha, the Gentle Prophet
- OT-86 Trouble with Syria
- OT-87 The Soldier-King, Jehu
- OT-88 The Little Boy Who Became King
- OT-89 Elisha's Last Prophecy
- OT-90 A Proud King Defeated
- OT-91 Jonah, the Unwilling Prophet
- OT-92 Stories About the Two Kingdoms
- OT-93 Here Am I - Send Me
- OT-94 The End of the Kingdom of Israel
- OT-95 Hezekiah, the Good King
- OT-96 A Wicked King Who Repented
- OT-97 Stories About King Josiah
- OT-98 The Man Who Had to Prophesy
- OT-99 The Captivity of Judah
- OT-100 Daniel
- OT-101 The Fiery Furnace
- OT-102 The King Who Lived in the Fields
- OT-103 The Fall of Babylon
- OT-104 Daniel in the Lions' Den
- OT-105 Back to the Promised Land
- OT-106 The Rebuilding of the Temple
- OT-107 Esther, the Beautiful Queen
- OT-108 Queen Esther Saves Her People
- OT-109 Ezra, the Teacher of the Law
- OT-110 Nehemiah, the Governor of Jerusalem
- NT-1 The Priest Who Could Not Talk
- NT-2 The Message of the Angel
- NT-3 The Holy Night
- NT-4 A Star in the East
- NT-5 Warned by a Dream
- NT-6 The Boy in the Temple
- NT-7 The Preacher in the Desert
- NT-8 Satan Talks to God's Son
- NT-9 Jesus Chooses His Disciples
- NT-10 Jesus at the Wedding Feast
- NT-11 The Father's House
- NT-12 A Visit by Night
- NT-13 The Woman at Jacob's Well
- NT-14 The Father Who Believed
- NT-15 The Mob That Wanted a Miracle
- NT-16 The Crowd at Jesus' Door
- NT-17 Through the Roof to Jesus
- NT-18 Matthew and His Feast
- NT-19 The Withered Hand Made Well
- NT-20 The Sermon on the Mount
- NT-21 Jesus Gives Back Health and Life
- NT-22 Stories Which Jesus Told
- NT-23 The Winds and the Waves Obey
- NT-24 The Little Girl Brought Back to Life
- NT-25 The Wish of a Young Girl
- NT-26 Five Loaves of Bread and Five Thousand People
- NT-27 Walking on Top of the Stormy Water
- NT-28 Friends and Enemies
- NT-29 An Answered Prayer
- NT-30 Hungry People Fed
- NT-31 Who Am I?
- NT-32 Glory on the Mountain
- NT-33 The Good Samaritan
- NT-34 The Feast of Tabernacles
- NT-35 Two Sisters Who Loved Jesus
- NT-36 The Friend of Children and His Prayer
- NT-37 The Lost Sheep and the Son Who Left Home
- NT-38 Jesus Wakes Lazarus from Death
- NT-39 The Blind Beggar Who Called to Jesus
- NT-40 Mary's Gift
- NT-41 The King Comes
- NT-42 The Roman Penny
- NT-43 The Last Day and the Great Sin
- NT-44 In the Upper Room
- NT-45 Jesus' Last Words to His Disciples
- NT-46 The Kiss of Judas
- NT-47 Why Peter Wept
- NT-48 Jesus Before the High Priest
- NT-49 Why Pilate Washed His Hands
- NT-50 Carrying the Cross
- NT-51 The Sun Becomes Dark
- NT-52 The Stone Is Rolled Away
- NT-53 Visitors to the Tomb
- NT-54 The Risen Lord
- NT-55 Jesus Comes to His Friends
- NT-56 How Jesus Left the Earth
- NT-57 Power from Above
- NT-58 The Lame Man in the Temple
- NT-59 The Story of a Lie
- NT-60 The Open Prison Doors
- NT-61 The Man Who Looked into Heaven
- NT-62 The Magician Who Tried to Buy God
- NT-63 The Ethiopian Who Believed
- NT-64 The Light on the Road
- NT-65 The Changed Man
- NT-66 Paul Escapes Twice
- NT-67 The Good Woman Who Was Brought Back to Life
- NT-68 A Lesson Peter Had to Learn
- NT-69 A New Church
- NT-70 The Angel in Prison
- NT-71 On to Cyprus
- NT-72 Why People Thought Paul Was a God
- NT-73 A New Journey
- NT-74 The Poor Fortune-teller
- NT-75 The Jailer Who Believed
- NT-76 From City to City
- NT-77 About the Unknown God
- NT-78 The Riot of the Statue-Makers
- NT-79 The Young Man Who Fell Asleep
- NT-80 Back to Jerusalem
- NT-81 An Uproar in the Temple
- NT-82 Paul's Speech to the Jews
- NT-83 A Wicked Oath
- NT-84 How Paul Was Saved
- NT-85 The Trial
- NT-86 The Appeal to Caesar
- NT-87 A King Is Almost Persuaded
- NT-88 Paul Sets Out for Rome
- NT-89 The Shipwreck
- NT-90 The Rescue
- NT-91 The Hero of Faith
- NT-92 The Visions of the Apostle John
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