Spelling Wisdom, Book 2 [SCM]
by Sonya Shafer Editor
The series teaches today's 6,000 most frequently used words presented in the writings of great men and women of history. Also covers an additional 6,500 words, making 12,500 words total.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781616340278
- Print Status
- In Print
- Exercises
- 140
- Pages
- 181
- Suggested Grades
- 5th - 7th
- Publisher
- Simply Charlotte Mason
- Edition
- American or British Spelling Versions
- Copyright
- 2006
- 1 A Book on Hand
- 2 Great Things
- 3 Habits
- 4 Responsibility
- 5 On the Truth
- 6 Ride On
- 7 You May Deceive
- 8 On Adversity
- 9 Exist Today
- 10 The Rain Ran Wildly
- 11 On Habits
- 12 On Judging
- 13 Be Always Ready
- 14 Life Is Stranger
- 15 The Ditch
- 16 A Man Said to the Universe
- 17 Michelangelo
- 18 Cautious Utterance
- 19 Equal 100
- 20 Sparrows
- 21 That Punctual Servant
- 22 The Printing Press
- 23 Introspective Music
- 24 A Riddle
- 25 Beginning of a Day
- 26 Want to Work
- 27 Village in Japan
- 28 The Lounging Figure
- 29 Heaven Above Was Blue
- 30 The Beatitudes
- 31 Hearty Laugh
- 32 The True Workman
- 33 This Is Your Victory
- 34 The City
- 35 Signature with a Sentiment
- 36 An Ivory Miniature
- 37 Paris
- 38 Seal Lullaby
- 39 Durer
- 40 Scenery
- 41 His Main Fault
- 42 Times That Try Men's Souls
- 43 Stained Glass
- 44 To Speak in Public
- 45 A Strange Procession
- 46 Forbearance
- 47 The Heart That Feels Not
- 48 A Gram
- 49 A Favorite Game
- 50 Upbraiding
- 51 Tom As Robin Hood
- 52 The Signs of the Seasons
- 53 Picking Strawberries
- 54 The Actress
- 55 Two Trains
- 56 Tobogganing
- 57 A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
- 58 God Directs All Things
- 59 The Pilgrims
- 60 March
- 61 Same Product
- 62 The Short-Billed Wren
- 63 Repairing the Woodman
- 64 Myles Standish
- 65 Three-Letter Words
- 66 The Wayfarer
- 67 Dorothy's House
- 68 The Maryland Yellowthroat
- 69 A World of Comfort
- 70 An Inspiration
- 71 Jumper the Hare
- 72 With a Map
- 73 The Land of Story-books
- 74 The Monster Trout
- 75 The Crow and the Pitcher
- 76 From the Declaration of Independence
- 77 Rembrandt's Speed
- 78 The Flower
- 79 The Dandelions
- 80 Ducks' Ditty
- 81 Grocer and Draper
- 82 Stick to Your Purpose
- 83 The Cares of Housekeeping
- 84 A Child's Mind
- 85 Stones Pebbles, and Sand
- 86 A Fable
- 87 Letter to Chopin
- 88 The Smileys
- 89 Eli Whitney
- 90 Salmon
- 91 The Piece of Wood
- 92 Psalm 46
- 93 Armistice Day
- 94 The Businessman
- 95 The Kingfisher's Den
- 96 A Little Old Trunk
- 97 Meters
- 98 Concord Hymn
- 99 The Butterfly and the Crocodile
- 100 Minstrels
- 101 Orioles
- 102 The Crossword Puzzle
- 103 A New Colt
- 104 Lunch in Pairs
- 105 Be Peace-Possessed
- 106 The Brook
- 107 More About Brooks
- 108 A Colonial Kitchen
- 109 Colonial Dishes
- 110 The Fox and the Cat
- 111 The Chimney Swift
- 112 Doing Chores
- 113 Arithmetic Spelling
- 114 The Gardener
- 115 Sailing Ships
- 116 Over the Bridge
- 117 Fresh Deer Tracks
- 118 American Independence
- 119 Writing an Essay
- 120 Bartering Animals
- 121 The Death of Lincoln
- 122 English Sparrows
- 123 The Constitution
- 124 Work on the Prairie
- 125 Grandmother's Cookbook
- 126 Buttons Learns to Jump
- 127 Thanksgiving Proclamation
- 128 The Blue Jay
- 129 Major C
- 130 Egyptian Pyramids
- 131 Tookhees the Mouse
- 132 A Tapestry
- 133 The Savanna Sparrow
- 134 Glimpse of the Big Buck
- 135 God Save the Queen
- 136 The Way We Go
- 137 Traveling East
- 138 Up We Go!
- 139 The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
- 140 Story of the Raindrops
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