This Country of Ours [SCM]
by H. E. Marshall Author
A history of the United States told in delightful narrative style.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 1599869225
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 99
- Pages
- 460
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 6th
- Geographical Setting
- United States
- Historical Setting
- 800 - 1913
- Publisher
- Kessinger Publishing
- Copyright
- 2004
- Written
- 1917
- 1 How the Vikings of Old Sought and Found New Lands
- 2 The Sea of Darkness and the Great Faith of Columbus
- 3 How Columbus Fared Forth Upon the Sea of Darkness
- 4 How Columbus Returned Home in Triumph
- 5 How America Was Named
- 6 How the Flag of England Was Planted on the Shores of the New World
- 7 How the Flag of France Was Planted in Florida
- 8 How the French Founded a Colony in Florida
- 9 How the Spaniards Drove the French Out of Florida
- 10 How a Frenchman Avenged the Death of His Countrymen
- 11 The Adventures of Sir Humphrey Gilbert
- 12 About Sir Walter Raleigh's Adventures in the Golden West
- 13 The Adventures of Captain John Smith
- 14 More Adventures of Captain John Smith
- 15 How the Colony was Saved
- 16 How Pocahontas Took a Journey Over the Seas
- 17 How the Redmen Fought Against Their White Brothers
- 18 How the Englishmen Fought a Duel With Tyranny
- 19 The Coming of the Cavaliers
- 20 Bacon's Rebellion
- 21 The Story of the Knights of the Golden Horseshoe
- 22 The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers
- 23 The Founding of Massachusetts
- 24 The Story of Harry Vane
- 25 The Story of Anne Hutchinson and the Founding of Rhode Island
- 26 The Founding of Harvard
- 27 How Quakers First Came to New England
- 28 How Maine and New Hampshire Were Founded
- 29 The Founding of Connecticut and War with the Indians
- 30 The Founding of New Haven
- 31 The Hunt for the Regicides
- 32 King Philip's War
- 33 How the Charter of Connecticut was Saved
- 34 The Witches of Salem
- 35 The Founding of Maryland
- 36 How New Amsterdam Became New York
- 37 How a German Ruled New York
- 38 Pirates!
- 39 The Founding of New Jersey
- 40 The Founding of Pennsylvania
- 41 How Benjamin Franklin Came to Philadelphia
- 42 The Founding of North and South Carolina
- 43 War with the Indians in North and South Carolina
- 44 The Founding of Georgia
- 45 How the Mississippi was Discovered
- 46 King William's War and Queen Anne's War
- 47 The Mississippi Bubble
- 48 How a Terrible Disaster Befell the British Army
- 49 The End of the French Rule in America
- 50 The Rebellion of Pontiac
- 51 The Boston Tea Party
- 52 Paul Revere's Ride
- 53 The First Thrust
- 54 The War in Canada
- 55 The Birth of a Great Nation
- 56 The Darkest Hour
- 57 Burgoyne's Campaign -- Bennington and Oriskany
- 58 Burgoyne's Campaign -- Bemis Heights and Saratoga
- 59 Brandywine - Germantown - Valley Forge
- 60 War on the Sea
- 61 The Battle of Monmouth
- 62 The Story of a Great Crime
- 63 A Turning Point in the World's History
- 64 Washington First in War, First in Peace
- 65 Adams -- How He Kept Peace with France
- 66 Jefferson -- How the Territory of the United States was Doubled
- 67 Jefferson -- How the Door into the Far West was Opened
- 68 Jefferson -- About an American Who Wanted to be a King
- 69 Madison -- The Shooting Star and the Prophet
- 70 Madison -- War with Great Britain
- 71 Monroe -- The First Whispers of a Storm
- 72 Adams -- The Tariff of Abominations
- 73 Jackson, Van Buren
- 74 Harrison -- The Hero of Tippecanoe
- 75 Tyler -- Florida Becomes a State
- 76 Polk -- How Much Land was Added to the United States
- 77 Polk -- The Finding of Gold
- 78 Taylor -- Union or Disunion
- 79 Fillmore -- The Underground Railroad
- 80 Pierce -- The Story of 'Bleeding Kansas'
- 81 Buchanan -- The Story of the Mormons
- 82 Buchanan -- The First Shots
- 83 Lincoln -- From Bull Run to Fort Donelson
- 84 Lincoln -- The Story of the First Battle Between Ironclads
- 85 Lincoln -- The Battle of Shiloh
- 86 Lincoln -- The Salves are Made Free
- 87 Lincoln -- Chancellorsville
- 88 Lincoln -- The Battle of Gettysburg
- 89 Lincoln -- Grant's Campaign
- 90 Lincoln -- Sherman's March to the Sea
- 91 Lincoln -- The End of the War
- 92 Johnson -- How the President was Impeached
- 93 Grant -- A Peaceful Victory
- 94 Hayes -- Garfield -- Arthur
- 95 Cleveland -- Harrison -- Cleveland
- 96 McKinley -- War and Sudden Death
- 97 Roosevelt -- Taft
- 98 Wilson -- Troubles with Mexico
- 99 Wilson -- The Great War
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