Presidents of the United States: Practice Cursive Handwriting with Quotes from U.S. Presidents (Classic Copywork: Cursive) (Volume 4)
(From Amazon): Practice Cursive Handwriting with Quotes from U.S. Presidents Learn about the Presidents of the United States of America through their own words while improving your cursive handwriting. Copywork is the best way to learn basic grammar, spelling, and composition skills, so why practice penmanship with random words and sentences when you could be exploring the history and wisdom of all 44 Presidents, including: George Washington Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln Theodore Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson Dwight Eisenhower John F. Kennedy Ronald Reagan Bill Clinton ...and many more This copybook includes 43 passages, each suitable for tracing, and then copying directly under the modeled words. Each passage is also provided in typed form to allow easy reading and copying on to notebook paper if desired. Suitable for any age to practice cursive handwriting.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9780692636572
- Print Status
- In Print
- Presidents
- 43
- Pages
- 96
- Suggested Grades
- 4th - 8th
- Publisher
- Lunar Press
- Copyright
- 2016
- 1 George Washington
- 2 John Adams
- 3 Thomas Jefferson
- 4 James Madison
- 5 James Monroe
- 6 John Quincy Adams
- 7 Andrew Jackson
- 8 Martin Van Buren
- 9 William Henry Harrison
- 10 John Tyler
- 11 James Polk
- 12 Zachary Taylor
- 13 Millard Fillmore
- 14 Franklin Pierce
- 15 James Buchanan
- 16 Abraham Lincoln
- 17 Andrew Johnson
- 18 Ulysses S. Grant
- 19 Rutherford B. Hayes
- 20 James A. Garfield
- 21 Chester A. Arthur
- 22 Grover Cleveland
- 23 Benjamin Harrison
- 24 William McKinley
- 25 Theodore Roosevelt
- 26 William Howard Taft
- 27 Woodrow Wilson
- 28 Warren G. Harding
- 29 Calvin Collidge
- 30 Herbert Hoover
- 31 Franklin D. Roosevelt
- 32 Harry S. Truman
- 33 Dwight D. Eisenhower
- 34 John F. Kennedy
- 35 Lyndon B. Johnson
- 36 Richard Nixon
- 37 Gerald Ford
- 38 Jimmy Carter
- 39 Ronald Reagan
- 40 George H. W. Bush
- 41 Bill Clinton
- 42 George W. Bush
- 43 Barack Obama
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