Bible for Children
by Murray Watts Author
(From Amazon): Besides marvelous stories to rival any edge-of the-seat movie, there are paraphrases of popular psalms and Old Testament words of wisdom and prophecy. The handsome pictures and the decorated borders employ a rich palette of colors and patterns, giving The Bible for Children a contemporary look.” --Booklist A classic treasure that vividly captures the eternal theme of God’s unending love and the many people and occasions that fill the Old and New Testaments. The Bible for Children contains more than 200 Bible stories, suitable for anyone of Christian faith and told by one of the foremost Bible storytellers. Everything is here, from greed, deception, and hate, to love, miracles, and redemption. Above all, the Bible is a love story: the moving tale of God's love for the world in all its wonder and brokenness. The stories comprehensively cover key themes of the Bible; the stories are reliable and faithful to the meaning and spirit of the original Scripture. The imaginative style reflects the variety of the biblical textriveting stories, reporting, poetry, history, letters. Murray Watts combines his knowledge and love of the Bible with skillful storytelling to introduce readers to the drama and mystery of this great book. His evocative and engaging retellings unfold the sweep of Bible history in words and phrases everyone can understand and enjoy. The Bible for Children is a visual delight, filled with inclusive illustrations that add meaning to the stories. The rich color, the exquisitely drawn faces and settings draw readers into the emotion and power of all that happens. This book for 7-12 year-olds has the design and drama of a modern classic.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781561488261
- Print Status
- In Print
- Readings
- 243
- Pages
- 352
- Suggested Grades
- Early Years - 1st
- Publisher
- Good Books
- Edition
- Reprint
- Copyright
- 2014
- 1 The creation
- 2 The garden of eden
- 3 Creation is spoiled
- 4 A family tragedy
- 5 A flood and a rainbow
- 6 The tower of babel
- 7 Abraham and Sarah
- 8 God speaks to Abraham
- 9 A family quarrel
- 10 God's promise to Abraham
- 11 The slave and her son
- 12 God tests Abraham
- 13 In search of a wife
- 14 The quest is accomplished
- 15 A wife for isaac
- 16 Twin brothers
- 17 Isaac is tricked
- 18 Esau' s anger
- 19 Jacobs dream
- 20 Double crossed
- 21 A journey into fear
- 22 The wrestling match
- 23 The jealous brothers
- 24 Revenge!
- 25 Joseph the slave
- 26 Potiphar# wife
- 27 The dream teller
- 28 Pharaoh's nightmares
- 29 Set free
- 30 Surprise visitors
- 31 The Silver cup
- 32 A happy reunion
- 33 The baby in the bullrushes
- 34 Murder
- 35 The burning bush
- 36 Moses and pharaoh
- 37 Ten plagues
- 38 The passover
- 39 Freedom
- 40 The miraculous crossing
- 41 Food from heaven
- 42 Fire and thunder
- 43 The ten commandments
- 44 The golden calf
- 45 God's agreement
- 46 A place for worship
- 47 Joshua and caleb
- 48 Moses see the promised land
- 49 Israel's new leader
- 50 Rehab and the spies
- 51 Battle of jericho
- 52 God's leader
- 53 Following god
- 54 Judges
- 55 Two brave women
- 56 Unlikely hero
- 57 God's victory
- 58 Birth of samson
- 59 Dangerous game
- 60 Samson and Delilah
- 61 Freedom and death
- 62 Ruth and naomi
- 63 Ruth in bethleham
- 64 Ruth and boaz
- 65 Baby for hannah
- 66 God calls samuel
- 67 Ark is captured
- 68 Israel asks for a king
- 69 God chooses saul
- 70 A promising start
- 71 Saul disobeys god
- 72 David the shepherd
- 73 David and goliath
- 74 David and saul
- 75 Best friends
- 76 Escape
- 77 David spares saul
- 78 Saul and the medium
- 79 Death in battle
- 80 David the king
- 81 David's kindness
- 82 David and bathsheeba
- 83 David found out
- 84 David's family
- 85 Rebelion
- 86 The psalms
- 87 Psalm 8
- 88 Psalm 23
- 89 Psalm 51
- 90 Psalm 116
- 91 Psalm 119
- 92 Psalm 131
- 93 Psalm 139
- 94 Psalm 148
- 95 Psalm 150
- 96 A wise new ruler
- 97 The true mother
- 98 God's temple
- 99 Proverbs wisdom
- 100 Solomon's fame
- 101 Sad ending
- 102 Worst advice
- 103 Divided kingdom
- 104 Ahab and jezebel
- 105 Elisa the prophet
- 106 Widow and son
- 107 The great contest
- 108 Elisa on the run
- 109 Still small voice
- 110 Elisha chosen
- 111 Naboth vinyard
- 112 Death of ahab
- 113 Chariot of fire
- 114 Man of god
- 115 Naaman
- 116 Heavenly army
- 117 A king who trusted
- 118 Jahu
- 119 A new kind of prophet
- 120 Loving husband
- 121 Vision of holiness
- 122 Isaiah
- 123 The end of israel
- 124 Faithful king of judah
- 125 Hidden treasure
- 126 Reluctant prophet
- 127 Daniel and friends
- 128 Fiery furnace
- 129 Belshazzar feast
- 130 Thrown to lions
- 131 Esther
- 132 Test of courage
- 133 Joyful return
- 134 Rebuild jerusalem
- 135 Rebuild God's people
- 136 Jonah
- 137 Promised king
- 260 Zachariah's prayer
- 261 Gabriel visits mary
- 262 Mary visits elizabeth
- 263 His name is john
- 264 Joseph and mary
- 265 Jesus birth
- 266 Shepherds and angels
- 267 Great rejoicing
- 268 Wise men
- 269 Lost boy
- 270 Baptism
- 271 Tempted by devil
- 272 Water into wine
- 273 Trouble in nazareth
- 274 Kingdom of heaven
- 275 Fishing trip
- 276 Miracle at home
- 277 Healing the leper
- 278 Friends and enemies
- 279 Paralysed man
- 280 Breaking rules
- 281 12 disciples
- 282 Soldiers faith
- 283 Story of sower
- 284 Hidden message
- 285 Counting the cost
- 286 Words of happiness
- 287 Two builders
- 288 Lost sheep
- 289 Lost coin
- 290 Prodigal son
- 291 Lords prayer
- 292 Two prayers
- 293 Perfumed gift
- 294 Dying girl
- 295 The woman who touched jesus
- 296 From death to life
- 297 John the Baptist dies
- 298 Loaves and fish
- 299 Walking on water
- 300 Peter the rock
- 301 Transfiguration
- 302 Who is the greatest
- 303 Rich young man
- 304 Danger of riches
- 305 The night visitor
- 306 Good Samaritan
- 307 Blind Bartemaus
- 308 Zacheus
- 309 Martha Mary lazarus
- 310 Family tradgedy
- 311 Palm sunday
- 312 House of prayer
- 313 A hard question
- 314 Traitor
- 315 The last supper
- 316 The garden of gethsemane
- 317 The first trial
- 318 Peter denies jesus
- 319 The Roman governor
- 320 The trial before Herod
- 321 The death sentence
- 322 The crucifiction
- 323 Secret disciples
- 324 The burial
- 325 Empty tomb
- 326 The Emmaus road
- 327 Jesus is alive
- 328 Breakfast by galilee
- 329 Go into all the world
- 330 Jesus ascends into heaven
- 331 Fire from heaven
- 332 God's promise
- 333 A miracle at the temple gate
- 334 Growing opposition
- 335 Brave Stephen
- 336 A remarkable meeting
- 337 Miracle on the Damascus road
- 338 Kind Dorcas
- 339 Escape from jail
- 340 Spreading the good news
- 341 Mistaken for gods
- 342 Pail in philippi
- 343 A riot
- 344 Maximum security
- 345 New believers
- 346 The unknown God
- 347 Paul in corinth
- 348 Following jesus
- 349 God's love
- 350 True love
- 351 Needing one another
- 352 Being friends with God
- 353 Changed lives
- 354 Talking to God
- 355 The Lord of creation
- 356 The new life
- 357 How to live well
- 358 Advise from james
- 359 Be careful
- 360 Trouble in ephesus
- 361 The road to jerusalem
- 362 Arrested
- 363 Shipwreck
- 364 To Rome at last
- 365 A new heaven and a new earth
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