
Famous Men of Science (Classic Thought)

by Sarah K. Bolton Author

(From Amazon): Reading through the Contents of this work, you will, no doubt, immediately recognize names of giants of scientific discovery: Galileo, Isaac Newton, Samuel F.B. Morse, Darwin, and perhaps several others. But few readers know the extent of the contributions made even by those we think we know. Among the other names are the discoverers of planets and their moons, of the nature of the geologic construction of our planet and forces that have and continue to shape it. Here are naturalists who ventured, at great peril, into unknown parts of the globe and discovered wonders at which we still marvel. Here are great inventors who created the bases of our modern technology, who should be known and appreciated. When the major advances in science and technology of the twentieth and twenty-first century were created, the creators of those modern wonders knew the names and stories of those who laid the groundwork. They continue to pay their respect and acknowledge the debt they owe to those who made their own contributions possible.


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Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
4th - 12th
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform


  • 1 Galileo Galilei
  • 2 Sir Isaac Newton
  • 3 Carl Linnaeus
  • 4 Baron Cuvier
  • 5 Sir William and Caroline Herschel
  • 6 Alexander von Humboldt
  • 7 Sir Humphrey Davy
  • 8 John James Audoon
  • 9 Samuel Finley Breese Morse
  • 10 Sir Charles Lyell
  • 11 Joseph Henry
  • 12 Louis Agassiz
  • 13 Charles Robert Darwin
  • 14 Francis Trevelyan Buckland

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