
Rise: Get Up and Live in God's Great Story

by Trip Lee Author

(From Amazon): Society says youth is a time for carefree self-expression, but Trip Lee says God has called everyone to RISE from slumber, above low expectations, and to live for the risen King. The world tells us that our early years are to be irresponsibly enjoyed rather than devoted to meaningful pursuits. We’re told that responsibility and commitment are burdens to be put off as long as possible. And so, most of us spend our youth in a sad state of slumber—sleeping in on life until we’re forced to get up. The problem is that life has already begun. It’s happening right now. And God has called you to live it. In this powerful book, Trip Lee argues it’s time to wake up and RISE, to live the way we were created to live. Young or old, we’ve been called to live for Him. Right now. Young believers face the same problems as older Christians, but they feel them in unique ways. RISE addresses those core problems in an engaging, profound, and life-changing way. Don't just sit there: RISE!


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
9th - 12th
Thomas Nelson


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 pages 3-top of 9
  • 3 pages 9-14
  • 4 pages 15-23
  • 5 pages 25-top of 28
  • 6 pages 28-35
  • 7 pages 37-top of 42
  • 8 pages 42-48
  • 9 pages 51-top of 56
  • 10 pages 56-63
  • 11 pages 65-top of 70
  • 12 pages 70-77
  • 13 pages 79-top of 84
  • 14 pages 84-90
  • 15 pages 91- top of 99
  • 16 pages 99-103
  • 17 pages 105-113
  • 18 pages 115-121
  • 19 pages 123-131
  • 20 pages 133-143
  • 21 pages 145-top 150
  • 22 pages 150-155
  • 23 pages 159-167
  • 24 pages 169-174
  • 25 pages 175-185
  • 26 pages 187-191
  • 27 pages 192- 200
  • 28 pages 201-208
  • 29 pages 209-212

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