Spelling Power - LEVEL B, Fourth Edition
by Beverly L Adams-Gordon Author
(From Amazon): Note: CD is present inside the book.Adams-Gordon's Spelling Power is an award-winning program that teaches solid back-to-basic spelling skills using research-proven approaches and 21st century technology. Your students will use systematic, simultaneous, multi-sensory steps to master the 5,000 most frequently used and misspelled words. These words are divided into eleven levels of frequency, rather than traditional grade levels, to aid immediate improvement in daily writing. The included placement tests allows you to determine at which level each of your students should begin studying and then they progress through the remaining levels at their own pace. Each level has 47 possible groups based on phonetic principles and other spelling conventions. Spelling Power's systematic simultaneous, multi-sensory steps, hands-on skill building activities, and its six levels of built-in review guarantees students of all learning styles and abilities will master every word.Everything you need to teach all of your students spelling skills to the college level is contained in this one curriculum package. You will even find everything you need to teach proofreading and dictionary skills. Spelling Power comes with access to the On-line Teacher s Resources site providing you a wealth of useful resources. Even if you are new to teaching, you will find Spelling Power's easy-to-understand, step-by-step manual and the included Quick Start DVD Seminar will help you give all of your students Spelling Power in just 15 minutes per day!Are you teaching outside of the U.S.A? Spelling Power includes Canadian/British spellings where applicable in both the Flow-Word Lists and the Searchable Word List so you can decide which convention you wish to teach your students.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781888827392
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 36
- Pages
- 322
- Publisher
- Castlemoyle Books
- Edition
- 4th
- Copyright
- 2006
- 1 Level B - Group 1; a as in cat
- 2 Level B - Group 2; e as in nest
- 3 Level B - Group 3; i as in big
- 4 Level B - Group 4; o as in not
- 5 Level B - Group 5; u as in run
- 6 Review Test 1
- 7 Level B - Group 6; ay, ai, ey, ei, eigh, ea or a as in they
- 8 Level B - Group 7; ea, ee, y, ie, ei, ey, or e as in eat
- 9 Level B - Group 8 ie, igh, y, or i as in wild
- 10 Level B - Group 9; oe, ow, oa, or o as in told
- 11 Level B - Group 10; ew, ue, ui, o, or u as in mule
- 12 Review Test 2
- 13 Level B - Group 11; ar as in jar
- 14 Level B - Group 12; ir, er, ur, er, ear, our, or or as in after
- 15 Level B - Group 13; or, oar, oor, our, and ar as in corn
- 16 Level B - Group 14; are, air, ere, ear and eir as in their
- 17 Level B - Group 15; ear, eer, ere, ier, er, or eir as in hear
- 18 Review Test 3
- 19 Delayed Recall Test 1 - Form A
- 20 Delayed Recall Test 1 - Form B
- 21 Level B - Group 17; a, o, au as in cost...
- 22 Level B - Group 18; oy or oi as in toy
- 23 Level B - Group 19; u, ou, or oo as in put
- 24 Level B - Group 30; plural by adding s
- 25 Level B - Group 33; when adding a suffix that begins with a vowel
- 26 Review Test 4
- 27 Level B - Group 34; short vowel words double the consonant
- 28 Level B - Group 35; proper nouns begin with a capital letter
- 29 Level B - Group 36; compound words
- 30 Level B - Group 37; apostrophe in contractions
- 31 Level B - Group 47; unusual words
- 32 Review Test 5
- 33 Delayed Recall Test 2 - Form A
- 34 Delayed Recall Test 2 - Form B
- 35 End of Level B Test - Form A
- 36 End of Level B Test - Form B
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