It Couldn't Just Happen: Knowing the Truth About God's Awesome Creation AO6
by Lawrence O. Richards Author
(From Amazon): This four-color, Gold Medallion Book Award winner is a perfect tool that offers solid, biblical answers to some of the tough questions kids ask about evolution and our world. “Did Earth begin with a ‘Big Bang’ cosmic explosion?” “Does science contradict the Bible?” “What happened to dinosaurs?” “Is there life on other planets?” “Did we evolve from apes?” “What makes my body work on its own?” Kids are daily exposed to the theory of evolution by the media and public schools. It’s not safe to assume that your kids will reject that theory. It’s up to us as parents and Christian leaders to make sure our children know the truth about the creation of the world. With thousands of evidences to prove He created and sustains the universe, It Couldn’t Just Happen will fascinate kids with fun activities and examples of God’s marvelous works.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781400317141
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 36
- Pages
- 256
- Suggested Grades
- 2nd - 6th
- Publisher
- Thomas Nelson
- Edition
- Reprint
- Copyright
- 2011
- 1 1. The Universe and Its Origins Pg 2-7
- 2 1, The Universe and its origins Pg 8-13
- 3 2. What is the Solar System Pg 14-19 (stop at The Outer Planets)
- 4 2. The outer planets Pg 19-21 (stopping at Dead Planets)
- 5 2. Dead planets Pg 21-26
- 6 3. The Odd Planet Pg 27-32 (stopping at The Terrible Termites)
- 7 3. The Odd Planet Pg 32-38
- 8 4. World in the making Pg 39-44 (stopping at The death star theory)
- 9 4. World in the making Pg 44-49
- 10 5. Mysteries of the Earth Pg 50-57 (stopping at What's wrong with Radiometric dating?)
- 11 5. Mysteries of the Earth Pg 57-62
- 12 6. How science works Pg 64-69(stopping at Good science and bad science)
- 13 6. How science works Pg 69-74
- 14 7. Life in a test tube Pg 75-85
- 15 8. Mystery of the moths Pg 86-91 (stopping at Neo-Darwinians)
- 16 8. Mystery of the Moths Pg 91-97
- 17 9. Record in the Rocks Pg 98-108 (stopping at Other problems, too)
- 18 9. Record in the Rocks Pg 109-112
- 19 10. The same yet different Pg 114-124
- 20 11. The Wonders of Design Pg 125-130 (stopping at The temperature bird)
- 21 11. The Wonders of Design Pg 130-136
- 22 12. More Wonders of Design Pg 137-141 (stopping at Dancers with wings)
- 23 12. More Wonders of Design Pg 141 - 145
- 24 13. When it takes two Pg 146-156
- 25 14. The Family Tree Pg 158-164 (stopping at Where did humans really come from)
- 26 14. The Family Tree Pg 164-167
- 27 15. Amazing and Wonderful Pg 168-173 (stopping at Rushing Rivers Within)
- 28 15. Amazing and Wonderful Pg 173-179
- 29 16. In God's Image Pg 180-186 (stopping at What Evolutionists can never explain)
- 30 16. In God's image Pg 186-190
- 31 17. A Sure Word Pg 192-201
- 32 18. How We Know We Can Trust What Jesus Said Pg 202-212
- 33 19. What Bible Teaches Re: Creation Pg 213-217 (stopping at Did God create in consecutive 24 hour days?)
- 34 19. What Bible Teaches Re: Creation Pg 217-224
- 35 20. Alive Now and Forevermore Pg 225-229 (stopping at Resurrection Ahead)
- 36 20. Alive Now and Forevermore Pg 229-234
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