
Chaucer for Children / A Golden Key by Mrs. H. R. Haweis : (full image Illustrated)

by Mrs. H. R. Haweis Author

(From Amazon): In revising Chaucer for Children for a New Edition, I have fully availed myself of the help and counsel of my numerous reviewers and correspondents, without weighting the book, which is really designed for children, with a number of new facts, and theories springing from the new facts, such as I have incorporated in my Book for older readers, Chaucer for Schools.Curious discoveries are still being made, and will continue to be, thanks to the labours of men like Mr. F. J. Furnivall, and many other able and industrious scholars, encouraged by the steadily increasing public interest in Chaucer.I must express my sincere thanks and gratification for the reception this book has met with from the press generally, and from many eminent critics in particular; and last, not least, from those to whom I devoted my pleasant toil, the children of England.M. E. HAWEIS.CHAUCER THE TALE-TELLER.Do you like hearing stories? I am going to tell you of some one who lived a very long time ago, and who was a very wise and good man, and who told more wonderful stories than I shall be able to tell you in this little book. But you shall hear some of them, if you will try and understand them, though they are written in a sort of English different from what you are accustomed to speak.But, in order that you really may understand the stories, I must first tell you something about the man who made them; and also why his language was not the same as yours, although it was English. His name was Chaucer—Geoffrey Chaucer. You must remember his name, for he was so great a man that he has been called the ‘Father of English Poetry’—that is, the beginner or inventor of all the poetry that belongs to our England; and when you are grown up, you will often hear of Chaucer and his works.CONTENTSFOREWORDS TO THE SECOND EDITIONFOREWORDSCHAUCER THE TALE-TELLERCANTERBURY TALES:Chaucer’s PilgrimsChaucer’s PrologueThe Knight’s TaleThe Friar’s TaleThe Clerk’s TaleThe Franklin’s TaleThe Pardoner’s TaleMINOR POEMS:Complaint of Chaucer to his PurseTwo RondeauxVirelaiGood Counsel of ChaucerNOTES ON THE PICTURESCOLOURED PICTURES. PILGRIMS STARTINGDINNER IN THE OLDEN TIMELADY CROSSING THE STREETFAIR EMELYEGRISELDA’S MARRIAGEGRISELDA’S BEREAVEMENTDORIGEN AND AURELIUSTHE RIOTERCHAUCER’S PORTRAITWOODCUTS.TOURNAMENTTABLEHEAD-DRESSESMAPS OF OLD AND MODERN LONDONLADIES’ HEAD-DRESSESSHOEJOHN OF GAUNTSHIPSTYLUSTHE KNIGHTTHE SQUIRETHE YEOMANTHE PRIORESSTHE MONKTHE FRIARTHE MERCHANTTHE CLERKTHE SERJEANT-OF-LAWTHE FRANKLINTABLE DORMANTTHE DOCTOR OF PHYSICTHE WIFE OF BATHTHE PARSONTHE PLOUGHMANTHE SUMMONERTHE PARDONERMINE HOSTKNIGHTS IN ARMOUR


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Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
7th - 9th


  • 2 CANTERBURY TALES:— Chaucer’s Pilgrims
  • 3 Chaucer’s Prologue
  • 4 The Knight’s Tale
  • 5 The Friar’s Tale
  • 6 The Clerk’s Tale
  • 7 The Franklin’s Tale
  • 8 The Pardoner’s Tale

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