
In Search of Liberty

Follow a modern-day family on a historical and humorous journey as they learn about the origins and importance of the U.S. Constitution. Guided by a charming statesman from America’s past, the family experiences a series of illuminating adventures that provide educational touch points on key aspects of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, including those guaranteeing freedom of religion and speech, the right to bear arms, search and seizure and more. The powerful message of understanding constitutional rights and the limits of potential new laws make this film a must-see for viewers of all ages. In Search of Liberty features accomplished stage, TV and movie actor Jimmy Hager; Bobby Deen, a familiar face on numerous cooking shows and the son of American celebrity chef Paula Deen; publisher and talented movie, TV and voiceover actress, Karen Boles; and Simone Griffeth, who starred alongside David Carradine and Sylvester Stallone in Death Race 2000. The film is Not Rated, but it is Family-Friendly.


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