Writing Through Ancient History Level 1 Cursive Models: An Ancient History Based Writing Curriculum, Teaching Elementary Writing to Students in Grades 1 to 3 (Writing Through History)
by Kimberly D Garcia Author
(From Amazon): A complete open-and-go writing program for students in grades 1 to 3 that is based on the teaching methods of Ms. Charlotte Mason. Children learn to write complex sentences by copying passages from living books, and they learn to spell and punctuate via studied dictation. Along with writing instruction, children using this volume learn about ancient history through interesting historical narratives, poetry from or about ancient times, and fun cultural tales from around the world. This new writing series, Writing Through History, is an elementary grade writing curriculum that combines writing, history, and handwriting practice all in one workbook. This curriculum comes in an open and go format to ensure ease of use for both the student and the teacher. Available for ancient history, medieval history, early modern history, and modern history. Formerly known as the Write from History series.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781940282725
- Print Status
- In Print
- Stories
- 59
- Pages
- 308
- Publisher
- Brookdale House
- Copyright
- 2015
- 1 The Goddess of the Silkworm
- 2 The Mystery of the Lost Brother
- 3 David and Goliath
- 4 Saved by a Dolphin
- 5 The General and the Fox
- 6 Becos! Becos! Becos!
- 7 A Clever Slave
- 8 The Young Cupbearer
- 9 The Lover of Men
- 10 The Boy and the Robbers
- 11 Horatius at the Bridge
- 12 The Story of Ruth and Naomi
- 13 A Story of Old Rome
- 14 The Brave Three Hundred
- 15 Socrates and His House
- 16 Socrates and His House
- 17 Two Great Painters
- 18 The Story of Cincinnatus
- 19 Damon and Pythias
- 20 The Sword of Damocles
- 21 A Laconic Answer
- 22 A Lesson in Justice
- 23 The Story of Regulus
- 24 Julius Caesar
- 25 The Visit of the Wise Men
- 26 Andoclus and the Lion
- 27 The Bear and the Bee
- 28 The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox
- 29 The Farmer and His Sons
- 30 The Lark and her Young Ones
- 31 Mercury and the Woodman
- 32 The Milkmaid and her Pail
- 33 The Miser
- 34 The Monkey and the Dolphin
- 35 The North Wind and the Sun
- 36 The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf
- 37 The Tortoise and the Ducks
- 38 Two Travelers and a Bear
- 39 The Vain Jackdaw and His Borrowed Feathers
- 40 The Wolf and the Kid
- 41 The Wolf and the Lean Dog
- 42 Age
- 43 The Boaster
- 44 The Crow and the Pitcher
- 45 The Destruction of Sennacherib
- 46 Horatius
- 47 Moderation
- 48 The Mouse and the Lion
- 49 The People Who Are Really Happy
- 50 Psalm 23 and 121
- 51 The Two Paths
- 52 The Vision of Belshazzar
- 53 The Bag of Winds
- 54 Diana and Apollo
- 55 The Dog and the Dog Dealer
- 56 The Golden Touch
- 57 Great and Little Bear
- 58 Sennin the Hermit
- 59 The Tricky Wolf and the Rats
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