Level 2B - Lesson Book: Piano Adventures
by Nancy and Randall Faber Author
(From Amazon): (Faber Piano Adventures ). The 2nd Edition Level 2B Lesson Book offers a systematic approach to scales, primary chords (I, IV, V7), and transposition for the keys of C, G, and F major. This new edition features nine new songs, plus enhanced arrangements of favorite pieces from the first edition. The new "Scale and Chord Adventures" appendix offers teachers the flexibility to explore major and minor scale and chord patterns in all twelve keys.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781616770846
- Print Status
- In Print
- Pages
- 72
- Publisher
- Faber Piano Adventures
- Edition
- 2
- Copyright
- 1997
- 4 Get Ready for Take-off!
- 5
- 6 The Family of C's
- 7 Captain Hook's Rockin' Party
- 8 Almost Like a Dream
- 9 Sounds from the Gumdrop Factory
- 10 Cross-Hand Arpeggios
- 11
- 12 Spanish Caballero
- 13
- 14 Sixth (6th)
- 15 Boxcar Rumble
- 16 The Great Clock
- 17
- 18 Shave and a Haircut
- 19
- 20 The C Major Scale 1., 2.
- 21 3., 4.
- 22 Jumpin' Jazz Cat
- 23
- 24 Down By the Bay
- 25
- 26 The Ice Skaters
- 27
- 28 The G Major Scale 1., 2.
- 29 3., 4.
- 30 Viva la France!
- 31
- 32 Camptown Races Duet
- 33 Boom Boom!
- 34 Horse-Drawn Carriage
- 35
- 36 More About the Damper Pedal
- 37 Pedal Power
- 38 Beach Party
- 39
- 40 Riding the Wind
- 41
- 42 Pumpkin Boogie
- 43
- 44 Deck the Keys
- 45
- 46 This Is My Planet Earth
- 47
- 48 What is a Lead Sheet?
- 49 Hey, Ho, Nobody Home
- 50 Chord Jumps
- 51 Lazy Chord Blues
- 52 New World Symphony Theme
- 53
- 54 Duke of York Strut
- 55
- 56 Canoeing in the Moonlght
- 57
- 58 The F Major Scale 1.
- 59 2., 3.
- 60 Turkish March
- 61
- 62 Latin Sounds
- 63 Aria
- 64 Auld Lang Syne
- 65
- 66 Scale and Chord Adventures
- 67
- 68
- 69
- 70
- 71
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