How to Draw Cool Stuff: A Drawing Guide for Teachers and Students
by Catherine V Holmes Author
(From Amazon): How to Draw Cool Stuff shows simple step-by-step illustrations that make it easy for anyone to draw cool stuff with precision and confidence. These pages will guide you through the basic principles of illustration by concentrating on easy-to-learn shapes that build into complex drawings. With the step-by-step guidelines provided, anything can become easy to draw. This book contains a series of fun, hands-on exercises that will help you see line, shape, space and other elements in everyday objects and turn them into detailed works of art in just a few simple steps. The exercises in this book will help train your brain so you can visualize ordinary objects in a different manner, allowing you to see through the eyes of an artist. From photorealistic faces to holiday themes and tattoo drawings, How to Draw Cool Stuff makes drawing easier than you would think and more fun than you ever imagined! Now is the time to learn how to draw the subjects and scenes you've always dreamt of drawing. How to Draw Cool Stuff is suitable for artists of any age benefiting everyone from teachers and students to self-learners and hobbyists. How to Draw Cool Stuff will help you realize your artistic potential and expose you to the pure joy of drawing!
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9780615991429
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 102
- Pages
- 254
- Suggested Grades
- 2nd - 12th
- Publisher
- Library Tales Publishing, Incorporated
- Copyright
- 2014
- 1 Elements of Design p.19
- 2 Shading Shapes p.22
- 3 Getting Ready to Draw p.26
- 4 Line Quality p.28
- 5 Foreshortening - exercises p.32
- 6 Foreshortening with perspective p.36
- 7 Contour Lines and Tubes p.38
- 8 Shapes to Forms p.40
- 9 Drawing Cylinders and Disks p.42
- 10 Tiered Cake p.44
- 11 Piece of Cake p.46
- 12 Ribbons, Scrolls, Banners, and Flags p.48
- 13 America's Flag p.56
- 14 The Eye p.60
- 15 Eyeballs p.62
- 16 The Nose p.64
- 17 The Mouth p.68
- 18 The Ear p.70
- 19 The Human Head p.72
- 20 The Human Skull p.74
- 21 One-Point Perspective p.80
- 22 Two-Point Perspective p.82
- 23 Aerial Viewpoint p.84
- 24 3D Name p.86
- 25 Iceberg p.90
- 26 Turntables p.92
- 27 Open Book p.94
- 28 Open Gates p.96
- 29 Heart Lock with Key p.100
- 30 Rose Bud p.102
- 31 Love Swans p.104
- 32 Barbed Wire Heart p.106
- 33 Scull and Rose p.108
- 34 Pot O' Gold p.110
- 35 Cute Easter Stuff p.112
- 36 Easter Eggs p.114
- 37 Spring Tulip p.116
- 38 Cherry Blossom p.118
- 39 Halloween Creatures p.120
- 40 Autumn Leaf p.122
- 41 Thanksgiving Still Life p.124
- 42 Can of Cran p.126
- 43 Pumpkin p.128
- 44 Jack O'Lantern p.130
- 45 Christmas Barn p.132
- 46 Christmas Ornaments p.134
- 47 Simple Snowflake p.136
- 48 Cartoon Animals p.140
- 49 Duck Family p.142
- 50 Bunny Rabbit p.144
- 51 Penguin p.146
- 52 Angel/Devil Wings p.148
- 53 Birds in Flight p.150
- 54 Pitbull p.152
- 55 Doghouse p.154
- 56 Lion Head p.156
- 57 Cow Skull p.158
- 58 Cobra p.160
- 59 Climbing Tiger p.162
- 60 Dragon from the Orient p.164
- 61 Praying Hands p.168
- 62 Skeleton Hands p.170
- 63 Three Skulls p.172
- 64 Hand Position p.174
- 65 Hand Position p.176
- 66 Pocket Watch p.178
- 67 Chain Links p.180
- 68 Compass Rose p.182
- 69 Cupcake Treats p.184
- 70 Alien Skull p.186
- 71 Get on the Mic p.188
- 72 Graves with Drapery p.190
- 73 Planet Earth p.192
- 74 Bird Cage p.194
- 75 Paws and Claws p.196
- 76 Make Anything Anime p.198
- 77 Anime Boy p.200
- 78 Anime Girl p.202
- 79 Lace-up Corset p.204
- 80 Fancy Tea Cup p.206
- 81 Sneaker Design p.208
- 82 Treasure Chest p.210
- 83 Skeleton Pirate p.212
- 84 Wooden Cross p.214
- 85 Water Puddle p.216
- 86 Water Puddle Floaters p.218
- 87 Footprints p.220
- 88 Fire p.222
- 89 Candle p.224
- 90 Skull with Flames p.226
- 91 Sports Balls p.228
- 92 Basketball Hoop p.230
- 93 Draw a Bare Tree p.232
- 94 Draw a Palm Tree p.234
- 95 Graffiti Art p.236
- 96 Cool Lettering Styles p.238
- 97 Homeboy Skull p.240
- 98 Back of the Hand p.242
- 99 Palm of the Hand p.244
- 100 Comedy Tragedy Masks p.246
- 101 Stacks of Cash p.248
- 102 Easy Spider Web p.250
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