Easy Peasy High School Biology
by Lee Giles Author
Course Description: This course is based on Georgia Virtual Learning’s High School Biology courses, though it pulls in other resources throughout. This curriculum includes topics such as the scientific method, cells, biochemistry, photosynthesis and respiration, mitosis and meiosis, DNA and RNA, genetics, ecology, evolution and creation, taxonomy, viruses and bacteria, protists and fungi, and finally animals. Students will learn through texts, videos, online interactives and through hands-on and virtual lab investigations. (GVL course pages are linked as sources for the pages I copied their information from. They are all edited to some degree. All of the crossword puzzles are made from the GVL material as well as study questions and key term sheets.) And a thank you to Holly Dunn and Liz Mogg for all their help with preparing this course.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- online program
- Print Status
- In Print
- Day/Lessons
- 182
- Suggested Grades
- 9th - 10th
- 1 What is Biology?
- 2 Biology Terminology - Study of Life
- 3 3 Characteristics of Life
- 4
- 5
- 6 Biotic & Abiotic
- 7 Evolution & Natural Selection video, Story of Creation, Quiz
- 8 Faith & Evolution video
- 9 Organization of Life Quiz, Sugar crystal Lab
- 10 Crossword puzzle & Quiz
- 11 Scientific Method
- 12 Science and the Natural World, Identifying Variable
- 13 developing a controlled experiment
- 14 What is the Scientific Method - test yourself
- 15 Review the Metruc System
- 16 Scientific Method/Scientific Investigation
- 17 terms & definitions, vocabulary crossward puzzle, Organization of Life
- 18 Limits to Science
- 19 Hierarchy of Life, Stucture fits Function
- 20 Stucture fits Function assignment, Scientific Method Quiz
- 21 Intro to Cells
- 22 Cells, Info and video
- 23 Cell Organelles & Cell Structure
- 24 Prokaryotic and Eukaryota cells, Cell Organelle Quiz
- 25 Osmosis Lab
- 26 Lab, Review Cells
- 27 Finish Lab & Report
- 28 Plant Cells
- 29 Review Cells, Quiz & Cell Project
- 30 Test, What are Stem Cells?, Read “The Continuing Controversy Over Stem Cells: A Christian View.“
- 31 Cell Project, Diffusion and review Questions
- 32 Diffusion & Osmosis, Cell Transport video
- 33 Osmosis & video
- 34 Osmosis review, hypertonic and hypotonic
- 35 homeostasis and cell transport, review
- 36 homeostasis and cell transport test, “The Inner Life of a Cell.” video
- 37 water and ph, acids and bases
- 38
- 39 Explore molecules
- 40 acid and bases activity
- 41 macromolecules and carbohydrates
- 42 lipids
- 43 proteins and enzymes
- 44 nucleic acids, macromolecules
- 45 labs
- 46 Review
- 47 property of water, review cells, review biochemistry
- 48 bonds, carbon
- 49 Study
- 50 Test
- 51 Photosynthesis and Respiration
- 52 cellular respiration and energy
- 53 aerobic cellular respiration, anaerobic cellular respiration.
- 54 cellular respiration
- 55 chloroplasts, Pearson Pigment Lab I.
- 56 Photosynthesis, limiting factors of photosynthesis
- 57 photosynthesis interactive.
- 58 Video -inside a cell and how it obtains energy, ATP and cellular respiration.
- 59 Light-Reactions-of-Photosynthesis. Chloroplasts
- 60 Cellular Respiration Lab
- 61 Crossword Puzzle
- 62 Study Guide
- 63 Questions
- 64 Test
- 65 Mitosis and Meiosis vocabulary
- 66 chromosomes and the organization of DNA
- 67 Asexual and Sexual Reproduction.
- 68 mitosis
- 69 DNA
- 70 cell division interactive.
- 71 Mitosis Timeline Virtual Lab.
- 72 questions
- 73 meiosis
- 74 questions
- 75 videos on mitosis and meiosis.
- 76 list of characteristics review
- 77 Do mitosis quiz. Do meiosis quiz.
- 78 DNA and RNA, Vocabulary notes, DNA notes
- 79 The chemical structure oof DNA, Chargaff's ratio
- 80 DNA Replication
- 81 protein synthesis, replication and translation.
- 82 protein synthesis and mutation, outcomes of mutation.
- 83 DNA workshop & interactive
- 84 Complete the DNA lab. Snork Synthesis Lab Codon Wheel Codon Table
- 85 RNA
- 86 chromosomes, DNA technology
- 87 Study Guide
- 88 Take the six DNA quizzes.
- 89 molecular biology
- 90 tour of basic genetics.
- 91 Introduction to Molecular Genealogy., Vocabulary
- 92 Genetics Game
- 93 Genetics and Mendel’s experiments
- 94 genetics practice problems
- 95 Punnett Squares and Di-hybrid crosses.
- 96 skin pigmentation.
- 97 complete and incomplete dominance.
- 98 video on blood types, dominant and recessive traits, inheritance
- 99 Reebop Genetics Lab.
- 100 pedigrees, genetice family trees, genetic disorders
- 101 Create a transgenic plant, genetic engineering
- 102 Genetics ethics:
- 103 Cats Genetics Lab.
- 104 Genetics quiz, Punnett squares quiz
- 105 ecology key terms
- 106 biosphere study guide, biotic and abiotic factors
- 107 terrestial biomes
- 108 energy flow.
- 109 symbiosis.
- 110 Terms
- 111 food web
- 112 food webs in the ocean.
- 113 Read about intertidal communities Watch the video on food webs in the coral reef. Read about Antarctic ecosystems.
- 114 recycling of matter
- 115 community ecology.
- 116 ecological succession.
- 117 impact of humans
- 118 crossword puzzle.
- 119 Watch the video on population ecology.
- 120 Finish your project.Take the population quiz.
- 121 Complete the population lab
- 122 global warming.
- 123 Human impact
- 124 Human Impact and Animal Resiliency Assignment.
- 125
- 126 acid rain
- 127 North American biome, the prairie
- 128 Global Trends Quiz.
- 129 study guide.
- 130 crossword puzzle.
- 131 natural selection and survival of the fittest.
- 132 natural selection and survival of the fittest. natural selection, genetics and evolution
- 133 history of life, carbon dating from a Christian scientist.
- 134
- 135 bacteria resistance,
- 136 All Life Systems Were Created by God video
- 137 Life Was Created Fully Functional video
- 138 Man Was Created by God (video)
- 139 “Biological Clocks Indicate Recent Creation.”
- 140
- 141 Review
- 142 Taxonomy, Domains, Kingdoms
- 143 3 domains and 6 kingdoms.
- 144 classifying the organisms
- 145 dichotomous key worksheet.
- 146 Use this dichotomous key
- 147 )Create a dichotomous key for these creatures.
- 148 List the levels of taxonomy in order for someone.
- 149 Review with this organization of life chart. Review the vocabulary, Take quiz.
- 150 Viruses and Bacteria
- 151 bacteria growth. Read about bacteria control and benefits.
- 152 Blackout Syndrome.
- 153 Good bacteria vs. Bad bacteria Antibiotic resistance
- 154 Lab
- 155 Read about Typhoid Mary. Identify the source of the disease.
- 156 Read about viruses.
- 157 Read Virus Basics.
- 158 Read through the vocabulary.
- 159 crossword puzzle.
- 160 Review the words you need to know
- 161 Review the words you need to know. Start yeast experiment
- 162 Collect data for your experiment.
- 163 Watch Protist-The Movie.
- 164 Protists
- 165 Virtual Pond Dip
- 166 Fungi
- 167 Fungus
- 168 crossword puzzle.
- 169 Watch the videos on plant structure and function (nutrition and transport).
- 170 What do you know about plant structure?
- 171 Learn about angiosperms.
- 172 flower structure and reproduction.
- 173 invertebrates,
- 174 worms.
- 175 invertebrates.
- 176 invertebrates and about vertebrates.
- 177 virtual frog dissection.
- 178 Review notes from all chapters
- 179 Review study guides and notes
- 180 Final exam
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