Peeps at Many Lands: Japan
by John Finnemore Author
This book is in the public domain. Like other books in the series, this book describes Japanese culture in an engaging, narrative style. As American expats currently living in Japan, it has been very useful for helping my children understand why the Japanese are the way they are, even if it is a bit outdated.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 1508839379
- Print Status
- Out of Print
- Chapters
- 21
- Suggested Grades
- 3rd - 8th
- 1 The Land of the Rising Sun
- 2 Boys and Girls in Japan
- 3 Boys and Girls in Japan (continued)
- 4 The Japanese Boy
- 5 The Japanese Girl
- 6 In the House
- 7 In the House (continued)
- 8 A Japanese Day
- 9 A Japanese Day (continued)
- 10 Japanese Games
- 11 The Feast of Dolls and the Feast of Flags
- 12 A Farthing's Worth of Fun
- 13 Kite-Flying
- 14 Fairy Stories
- 15 Tea-Houses and Temples
- 16 Tea-Houses and Temples (continued)
- 17 The Rickshaw-Man
- 18 In the Country
- 19 In the Country (continued)
- 20 The Policeman and the Soldier
- 21 Two Great Festivals
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