
Key to Fractions 2

Key to Fractions covers all topics from basic concepts to mixed numbers and is written with secondary students in mind. Minimal reading is required, so students can easily work independently or in small groups. These self-paced, self-guided workbooks motivate students to succeed Book Two covers multiplying and dividing fractions.


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  • 1 Equal Fractions Review
  • 2 Simplest Form
  • 3 Factors and Products Table
  • 4 Factors
  • 5 Common Factors
  • 6 Greatest Common Factor
  • 7 Finding the Greatest Common Factor
  • 8 Simplifying Fractions
  • 9 Simplifying Fractions with Large Numbers
  • 10 Multiplying Fractions
  • 11 Multiplying and Simplifying
  • 12 Word Problems
  • 13 Simplifying and Multiplying
  • 14 Reciprocals
  • 15 Dividing Fractions
  • 16 Multiplying and Dividing
  • 17 Vocabulary Review
  • 18 Practice Test

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