A history of England from the landing of Julius Caesar to the present day
by H O. 1855-1909 Arnold-Forster Author
(From Amazon): TA book "written in simple language, sufficiently full to serve for reference, and at the same time sufficiently interesting to be read as well as to be consulted," was the purpose of H. O. Arnold-Forster when he condensed his previously published series, "Things New and Old" into one volume. This book covers the time of Julius Caesar's landing in "Britannia" in 55 B.C. to the death of Queen Victoria in 1901 A. D. It includes the original maps and notes along with additional editorial footnotes. H. O. Arnold-Forster's book was used in Charlotte Mason's schools for the study of English history. Although originally published over 100 years ago, the characters and events are worthy of study today. The past is presented in a way that allows the present to be enriched with the wealth of all that has gone before.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-0359024032
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 77
- Pages
- 846
- Suggested Grades
- 7th - 9th
- Geographical Setting
- England
- Publisher
- lulu.com
- 1 The Romans in Britain. 55 B.C.-A.D. 436
- 2 The Coming of the Saxons. 436-449
- 3 The Saxon Conquest. 449-597
- 4 How the Saxons became English and the English became Christians. 597-837
- 5 The Northmen. 837-871
- 6 The Reign of King Alfred. 871-901
- 7 The English Kings from Edward "the Elder" to Edward "the Martyr." 901-979
- 8 The Danish Conquest. 979-1016
- 9 The Danish Kings and Edward the Confessor. 1016-1066
- 10 The Norman Conquerors. 1066
- 11 The Story of the English
- 12 The Historians and Writers of England before the Norman Conquest
- 13 William I. The Norman Conquest. 1066-1087.
- 14 Feudalism
- 15 William II. "The Red King." 1087-1100
- 16 Henry I. 1100-1135
- 17 Stephen. 1135-1154
- 18 Henry II. 1154-1189
- 19 Richard Coeur-de-Lion. 1189-1199
- 20 John The History of the Charters. 1199-1216
- 21 What the Great Charter did for Englishmen
- 22 Henry III. The Parliament of England. 1216-1272
- 23 Edward I. and "The Breaking of Wales." 1272-1307
- 24 Scotland
- 25 Edward II. "The Making of Scotland." 1307-1327
- 26 Edward III. "The Ruin of France." 1327-1377
- 27 Richard II. 1377-1399
- 28 Henry IV. 1399-1413
- 29 Henry V. 1413-1422
- 30 Henry VI. "The Freeing of France." 1422-1445
- 31 York and Lancaster. 1445-1455
- 32 Edward IV. 1455-1483
- 33 The Invention of Printing
- 34 Edward V. and Richard III. 1483-1485
- 35 Henry VII. 1485-1509
- 36 Henry VIII. and England at War. 1509-1547
- 37 The Great Cardinal and the King's Divorce
- 38 The Protestant Reformation
- 39 Henry as Head of the Church
- 40 Edward VI. 1547-1553
- 41 What the Reformation Meant
- 42 Mary. 1553-1558
- 43 Elizabeth--The Protestant Queen. 1558-1603
- 44 The Sorrowful History of Mary, Queen of Scots
- 45 Protestants and Roman Catholics Abroad and at Home
- 46 The Story of the Great Armada
- 47 The Last Years of the Great Queen
- 48 A New World and a New Age
- 49 Literature and Art in the Tudor Period
- 50 Parliament--Dress--Dwellings--Schools--The Calendar
- 51 James Stuart, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 1603-1625
- 52 Charles I. How the King Angered the Parliament. 1625-1630
- 53 The King defies Parliament. 1630-1642
- 54 How Parliament punished the King. 1642-1649
- 55 The Commonwealth of England. 1649-1660
- 56 Charles II. 1660-1685
- 57 James II. and the End of Absolute Monarchy in England. 1685-1688
- 58 William III. and Mary The Revolution and Limited Monarchy. 1689-1702
- 59 Anne The Last of the Stuarts. 1702-1714
- 60 Constitutional History of the Stuart Period
- 61 Literature in the Stuart Period
- 62 Writers of the Later Stuart Period
- 63 Science, Art, and Daily Life Under the Stuarts
- 64 George I. 1714-1727
- 65 George II. 1727-1760
- 66 Clive, Wolfe, and Washington
- 67 George III. 1760-1820
- 68 The Act of Union with Ireland
- 69 The French Revolution
- 70 The Great War with France. Part 1
- 71 The Great War with France. Part II
- 72 George IV. and William IV. The Great Peace. 1820-1837
- 73 The Days of Queen Victoria. 1837-1852
- 74 The End of the Great Peace and the Story of our own Times 1852-1901
- 75 The Conquests of Peace
- 76 Steps on the Path of Freedom
- 77 Literature and Art since 1714
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