
The New World

by Winston Churchill Author

The New World is Winston S. Churchill's brilliant re-creation of one of the most fateful periods in English and American History- the two centuries between 1485-1688. These were the turbulent years which saw England win her farflung empire and defeat the might of Spain, when thousands of colonists left England found herself torn by religious wars and persecutions. These were the times of the great kings and queens, of the rupture of Rome, the Puritan rebellion and Oliver Cromwell, dramatically brought to life by one of the greatest historians and statesen of our time.


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Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
8th - 12th


  • 1 Book IV - Renassiance and Reformation. Ch 1. The Round World
  • 2 Book IV - Renassiance and Reformation. Ch 2. The Tudor Dynasty
  • 3 Book IV - Renassiance and Reformation. Ch 3. King Henry VIII
  • 4 Book IV - Renassiance and Reformation. Ch 4. Cardinal Wolsey
  • 5 Book IV - Renassiance and Reformation. Ch 5. The Break with Rome
  • 6 Book IV - Renassiance and Reformation. Ch 6. The End of the Monasteries
  • 7 Book IV - Renassiance and Reformation. Ch 7. The Protestant Struggle
  • 8 Book IV - Renassiance and Reformation. Ch 8. Good Queen of Bess
  • 9 Book IV - Renassiance and Reformation. Ch 9 The Spanish Armada
  • 10 Book IV - Renassiance and Reformation. Ch 10 Gloriana
  • 11 Book V - The Civil War. Ch 1. The United Crowns
  • 12 Book V - The Civil War. Ch 2. The Mayflower
  • 13 Book V - The Civil War. Ch 3. Charles I and Buckingham
  • 14 Book V - The Civil War. Ch 4. The Personal Rule
  • 15 Book V - The Civil War. Ch 5. The Revolt of Parliament
  • 16 Book V - The Civil War. Ch 6. The Great Rebellion
  • 17 Book V - The Civil War. Ch 7. Marston Moor and Naseby
  • 18 Book V - The Civil War. Ch 8. The Axe Falls
  • 19 Book VI - The Restoration. Ch 1. The English Republic
  • 20 Book VI - The Restoration. Ch 2. The Lord Protection
  • 21 Book VI - The Restoration. Ch 3. The Restoration
  • 22 Book VI - The Restoration. Ch 4. The Merry Monarch
  • 23 Book VI - The Restoration. Ch 5. The Popish Plot
  • 24 Book VI - The Restoration. Ch 6. Whig and Tory
  • 25 Book VI - The Restoration. Ch 7. The Catholic King
  • 26 Book VI - The Restoration. Ch 8. The Revolution of 1688

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