How Great Is Our God
by Louis Giglio Author, Nicola Anderson Illustrator
(From Amazon) Show the children in your life the awe-inspiring connection between the natural world and the God who created it. The bestselling children's devotional Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science resonated with more than 200,000 kids, parents, and teachers. Now Louie Giglio offers 100 more devotions about God and science that will expand the curiosity of your 6- to 10-year-olds. Including amazing scientific facts, beautiful photography, fun illustrations, and simple activities, How Great Is Our God covers topics like Space and time Earth and weather The human body Animals Plants And more! With this science devotional, which is based on Giglio's well-known "How Great Is Our God" and “Indescribable” messages, children will embark on a journey to discover more about God and His incredible creation. From the pink lake in Senegal to the earth's trip around the sun to the water-holding frog that can live up to five years without a drink, the wonders of the universe will deepen your kids’ appreciation for God's wild imagination.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 978-1400215522
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 100
- Pages
- 208
- Suggested Grades
- 1st - 5th
- Publisher
- Thomas Nelson
- Copyright
- 11/05/2019
- http://ttps://www.amazon.com/How-Great-Our-God-...
- 1 This One Is Juuuust Right!
- 2 That's Impossible
- 3 Purr-fectly Happy
- 4 Stormy Weather
- 5 Floating, Flying, Exploding Seeds!
- 6 Why is the Sky Blue?
- 7 Say a Little Prayer
- 8 Even Elephants Hiccup!
- 9 Brighter than the Sun
- 10 Home Sweet Home
- 11 O-O-Ozone
- 12 There's a Moon Out Tonight
- 13 Don't Sweat It
- 14 Dive In!
- 15 Pretty In Pink
- 16 You're on the Move!
- 17 Stop and Smell The Roses
- 18 The Best Medicine
- 19 Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter
- 20 Power It Up!
- 21 Pretty Poison
- 22 Over the Rainbow...Mountains?
- 23 The Medulla What?
- 24 Say It Isn't So
- 25 Out of this World
- 26 Rain or Shine
- 27 The Good Fruit
- 28 The Amazing Anteater
- 29 Cycling Around
- 30 That's Amazing!
- 31 A Whole New You!
- 32 Put 'Em Up
- 33 Magnetosphere Is Here!
- 34 Just Following the Crowd
- 35 A One and a Two
- 36 Nailed It!
- 37 It's All in the Advertising
- 38 Created to Shine
- 39 Not-So-Solid Ground
- 40 A Joyful Noise
- 41 Left, Right...Left?
- 42 Typhoons, Hurricanes, and Cyclones...Oh My!
- 43 To the Extremes!
- 44 The Little Things
- 45 Just Glow with It!
- 46 Changing the Stars
- 47 On the Trail
- 48 Don't Be Fooled!
- 49 Excuse Me!
- 50 Blind as a ...Worm?
- 51 Let's Dew It!
- 52 Closer than You Think
- 53 I'm Outta Here!
- 54 God Bless You!
- 55 Helloo-oo-oo!
- 56 How Do They Know?
- 57 The Spice of Life
- 58 Stuck Like Glue
- 59 How Cool Is That?
- 60 Running Out of Fuel
- 61 A Sticky Situation
- 62 The Eyebrows Have It
- 63 We're All In This Together
- 64 Mirror, Mirror on the ...Salt?
- 65 Oh, the Possibilities
- 66 So Much to See!
- 67 In the Blink of an Eye
- 68 Let Me Tell You
- 69 Be-Leaf It or Not!
- 70 From Beginning to End
- 71 Are You Thirsty?
- 72 What a Blast!
- 73 It's Pink!
- 74 Where's Your Treasure?
- 75 Like Night and Day
- 76 Dream a Little Dream
- 77 Whooshing and Swooshing
- 78 The Great Space Race
- 79 You Can't See Me
- 80 Be the Spark!
- 81 Yawwwn
- 82 A Trip Around the Su
- 83 Friends Forever
- 84 One Big Mess!
- 85 Monkey See, Monkey Do
- 86 Rumble, Ba-Rumble, Badaboom!
- 87 A Walk in the Park
- 88 What's Old Is New Again
- 89 Look to the Skies!
- 90 Everything You Need
- 91 Melting Rocks and Hearts
- 92 What Time Is It?
- 93 Germy Germs!
- 94 That's Powerful Stuff!
- 95 Nosey, Nosey
- 96 Soak Up the Son
- 97 The Power of Blood
- 98 Now Clowning Around
- 99 River of Life
- 100 Sleep on It
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