A Noble Experiment
by Tim Spickler Author
Built around primary source documents and the classic film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, A Noble Experiment’s conservative approach to the study of government combines video instruction with a consumable student workbook and a CD of teacher materials used in the one-semester course. The student workbook contains a course outline, a course syllabus listing the daily assignments and materials needed for each day’s lesson, the primary source readings, various student activities based on the readings and the DVD lessons, and periodic assessments (quizzes, tests, and a two-part final exam). The teacher CD includes the course outline and course syllabus, a grade book to record student scores, answer keys for all graded assignments, and a transcript of each video lesson with highlighted key concepts. The transcript enables the teacher to quickly look up pertinent information without the need to watch the video lessons. Students may also use the transcript to review for assessments. Designed to be student-directed with a minimum of teacher preparation and involvement, this course can be used by an individual student or in a home school co-op setting. The forty-eight lessons can be modified to accommodate a co-op schedule or unique individual circumstances. On non-class days, students read the primary source documents, complete “homework” assignments, or study for assessments. A Noble Experiment covers all the national standards for high school civics and government, as well as the subject matter traditionally included in secondary government courses. With its unique and interesting approach to the subject matter, we trust students will enjoy studying the foundations, principles, and organization of our government. Students will explore the political heritage which impacted our nation, study the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and discuss contemporary issues affecting our nation such as immigration and globalization.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- 9781610060035
- Print Status
- In Print
- Lessons
- 48
- Suggested Grades
- 12th - 12th
- Publisher
- Zeezok
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