Er redete mit dem Vieh, den Vögeln und den Fischen
by Konrad Lorenz Author
The book's title refers to the legendary Seal of Solomon, a ring that supposedly gave King Solomon the power to speak to animals. Lorenz claims that he likewise achieved this feat of communication with several species. He accomplished this by raising them in and around his home and observing their behavior. King Solomon's Ring describes the methods of his investigation, and his resulting findings about animal psychology. Lorenz's findings include the surprisingly refined social system of the common Eurasian jackdaw, the uncanny behavior and bodily features of the tiny water shrew, and the surprisingly complex interactions of seemingly unintelligent aquarium fish. He interlards his narrative with anecdotes based on his unusual methods, without which he could not have made many of his observations.
Additional Details
- Resource Type
- Book
- Print Status
- In Print
- Chapters
- 12
- Pages
- 146
- Suggested Grades
- 10th - 12th
- Publisher
- dtv
- 1 Ärger mit Tieren
- 2 Etwas, das keinen Schaden macht: das Aquarium
- 3 Zwei Raubtiere im Aquarium
- 4 Fischblut
- 5 Die zeitlosen Gesellen: S. 53-59; S. 59-66; S. 66-70
- 6 Salomos Ring: S. 71-77; S. 77-82
- 7 Das Gänsekind Martina: S. 84-90; S. 90-95
- 8 Schaff dir keinen Buchfinken an: S. 96-103; S. 103-109
- 9 Mitleid mit Tieren:Ganz
- 10 Moral und Waffen: S. 115-121; S. 121-128
- 11 Treue ist doch kein leerer Wahn
- 12 Lachen über Tiere
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