
Discovering Earth's Landforms and Surface Features

by Dinah Zike Author

In Discovering Earth’s Landforms and Surface Features students explore the physical features of the earth. Topics include the lithosphere, earthquakes, volcanoes, rocks, minerals, rivers, lakes, oceans, and more. ​ ​24 hands-on lessons appropriate for grades K-8 at different mastery levels facilitating multi-level teaching Lots of Science Library Books with information, pictures, and diagrams Investigative Loop guides the student through each step of the lab activities with materials lists, questions, and data for students to record 3D Graphic Organizers provide a format for students of all levels to conceptualize, analyze, review, and apply the concepts of the lesson Teacher Pages include vocabulary words, maps, assessments, and assignments


Additional Details

Resource Type
Print Status
In Print
Suggested Grades
5th - 9th
Common Sense Press


  • 1 Where is Earth in space?
  • 2 What are the physical features of Earth?
  • 3 What is the lithosphere?
  • 4 What are faults and folds in the lithosphere?
  • 5 What are earthquakes?
  • 6 How are mountains formed?
  • 7 What is a volcano?
  • 8 What are tsunamis, hot springs, geysers, and volcanic islands?
  • 9 What are igneous and sedimentary rocks?
  • 10 What are metamorphic rocks?
  • 11 What are minerals?
  • 12 What are fossils?
  • 13 What is soil?
  • 14 What are Earth's mineral resources?
  • 15 What is weathering and erosion?
  • 16 How does erosion affect Earth?
  • 17 What are caves?
  • 18 How do glaciers affect the land?
  • 19 How do rivers shape the land?
  • 20 What special features does a river form?
  • 21 How are lakes created?
  • 22 How does ocean movement alter coastlines?
  • 23 What are the features of the ocean floor?
  • 24 What do we know about deserts?

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